R EVOLUTION OF L IBYA Nabindra Guragain AP us history Period 2 nd
W HERE IS L IBYA LOCATED IN THE WORLD ’ S MAP Libya is located in the northern Africa. It has Mediterranean sea to the north, Chad and Niger to the south, and Algeria and Tunisia to the west. Libya lies between Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast.
H OW DID M UAMMAR G ADDAFI GAINED CONTROL ? Overthrowing King Idris I in military coup, Muammar Gaddafi began ruling Libya since He abolished the Libyan constitution and ruled the Libya with his own ideological believes. He dominated all aspects of government. He began corruption in the government and began violating the rights of his people.
WHEN AND WHY DID THE REVOLUTION BEGIN ? Libya has a large youth population and less opportunity. Angry at the government’s nepotism and operation, a small protest broke out in Libya in February of 2011 in Benghazi. When police got involved in the protest and started suppressing the people, the revolt grew larger and larger and took a name of the “Libyan Revolution.” After the success in Benghazi, protesters moved to Obruk, Derna and Al Bayda, major eastern cities to start revolting against the government.
W HO SUPPORTED THE L IBYAN PEOPLE ? April 19 -UK made an announcement of sending military advisors to help Libyan rebels improve their organization. April 20- US made an announcement to sending 25 million aid to the rebels. Arms and ammunitions to the rebels were also provided by Qatar. June million dolor donated by Turkey. NATO also supported the rebels from early March.
SIMILARITIES WITH THE A MERICAN REVOLUTION Both revolutions were the revolt of local people against the government. Local people participated with patriotism and a strong will to win in both revolutions; American revolution occurred because of the unfair taxation of the government. Similarly, Libyan revolution occurred because of the unfair and failure in the government. Rebels received aid from France In both the revolutions. In both the revolution the government was more strong and powerful than the rebels. Most importantly, both revolutions were a success.
D IFFERENCES FOR THE A MERICAN REVOLUTION Time period of Libyan revolution was a lot shorter than the time period of the American revolution. Libyan revolution was only against the tyranny of a leader within the country whereas American revolution was the protest against the whole British government ruling in the US.
W HEN DID THE REVOLUTION END ? Gaddafi was captured and killed by the local people on October 20, War officially ended on October 23,2011 after national transitional council declared liberation. &skipcontrinter=1 ^ video of Libyan people kicking and hitting Gaddafi’s dead body.
W HAT CONDITION MIGHT L IBYA BE TEN YEARS FROM NOW ? After the death of Muammar Gaddafi, libyan revolution is now finally over. In my opinion, Libya should be a lot better place now. Education of the local people and the Progress of the country was limited during Gaddhafi’s regime. But now since the root of the cause is gone, Libyan people should be able to make Libya a better place. Libya has one of the world’s finest oil source. If it is utilized properly and if the government is in the hand of a better ruler than Libya’s progress is certain. No other revolution will be there from my view.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Student resources 1" Libyan Rebels Struggle against Qaddafi Holdouts - CBS News." Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Web. 28 Oct "Libya: Inside a Benghazi Court with Gaddafi's Mercenaries | Mail Online." Home | Mail Online. Web. 28 Oct "LIBYA Rebels Take Brega as Civilians Fear Retaliation and Violence - Asia News." VATICANO - ASSISI 2011 Papa: Cercatori Della Verità E Di Dio, Contro La Violenza Della Religione E Dell’assenza Di Dio - Asia News. Web. 28 Oct Teachers resources “4 Libya: Perils of the End Game - Global Spin - TIME.com." Global Spin - A Blog about the World, Its People and Its Politics - TIME.com. Web. 28 Oct