AGENDA Norms RTI Overview Tier II and III kits What they look like How this is going to work Progress Monitoring Next week at a glance Question and Answer
NORMS Keep students at the center of focus and decision making Be present and engaged- limit distractions, if urgent matters come up step outside Monitor and share your voice- you know which applies to you Be solutions oriented- for the good of the group, look for the possible
Tier One Instruction 5 components of Reading Assessment Screening Progress monitoring Diagnostic Skill –based Intervention Fluency Comprehension Phonics (Tier III)
Tier One Instruction Conceptual and Procedural Math Assessment Screening Progress monitoring Diagnostic Skill –based Intervention Computation Geometry/Spatial Sense Fractions and Decimals Number Sense (Tier III)
UNIVERSAL SCREENER/ PROGRESS MONITORING SEPTEMBER 1- October 1st ORF(oral reading fluency) Maze M-Comp M-Cap
ORAL READING FLUENCY Oral Reading (OR): – Oral Reading Fluency Measurement is a standardized measure of oral reading ability. 1. Grades Individual assessment 3. Paper and pencil (recommend a digital timer) 4. 1 minute per probe 5. 3 independent passages 5. Scored by taking the median of the three passages 6. Accommodations-enlarge text, repeat directions, modify environment (lighting) 33 minute video
R-MAZE Reading Maze (R-Maze): – Reading Maze is a multiple choice cloze procedure that students complete while reading silently. 1. Grades 1-8 silent multiple choice 2. Whole group, small group or individual 3. Paper and pencil (recommend a digital timer) 4. 3 minutes 5. Use a different probe for each screen and progress monitor. 14 minute video
M-CAP (CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS) Math Concepts & Applications (M-CAP): - Mathematics Concepts and Applications (M–CAP) is a brief, standardized test of elements of the typical math curriculum at grades 2 through Grades 2-8 Problem Solving 2. Whole group, small group or individual 3. Paper and pencil (recommend a digital timer) 4. 8 minutes -Grades minutes -Grade Use a different probe for each screen and progress monitor. 11 minute video
M-COMP (COMPUTATION) Math Computation (M-COMP): - Math Computation is a brief standardized test of math operations that are part of the typical curriculum at Grades Grades Whole group, small group or individual 3. Paper and pencil (recommend a digital timer) 4. 8 minutes 5. Use a different probe for each screen and progress monitor. 11 minute video