Student Goals I can analyze the characterization of main characters in Things Fall Apart. I can identify elements of Ibo culture in Chapter One. I can analyze deeper meanings of selected quotes from Chapter One.
Things Fall Apart Setting is Umuofia, Nigeria in the 1880s. Final days of undisturbed Ibo society. Missionaries and other outsiders begin to arrive.
Chapter 1 Characters Okonkwo – (oh-CON-quo) main character or protagonist Unoka – (ooh-NO-ka) late father of Okonkwo Okoye – (oh-COY-a) respected elder who had lent money to Unoka
Ibo terms in Chapter 1 egwugwu – a person who dresses like an ancestral spirit for tribal ceremonies ekwe – a wooden drum udu – a clay drum ogene – a musical instrument resembling a gong
Analyze the following quotes: Okonkwo’s fame had grown like a bush- fire in the harmattan [wind]. (p. 3) Whenever [Unoka] saw a dead man’s mouth he saw the folly of not eating what one had in one’s lifetime. (p. 4) Proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten. (p. 7) If a child washed his hands, he could eat with kings. (p. 8)
Homwork Read Chapter Two of Things Fall Apart. Write in your notebook two open-ended questions for discussion.