Flavor and CP violation in SUSY seesaw models Junji Hisano (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) The 12th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of.


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Presentation transcript:

Flavor and CP violation in SUSY seesaw models Junji Hisano (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) The 12th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions June 17-23, 2004, Tsukuba, Japan

Neutrino oscillation: Finite, but small neutrino masses Baryon in Universe: Leptogenesis (B-L violation by Majorana mass ) Unification of Matter in SO(10) GUT: Seesaw model (Introduction of right-handed neutrinos ) Superheavy : We need Supersymmetry (SUSY)

Charged Lepton-Flavor Violation in SUSY seesaw model Non-vanishing LFV slepton masses by radiative correction Then, (Borzumati&Masiero) The charged LFV,, may be observed in near future experiments. (These are reviewed by Dr. Illana.)

SUSY GUT with right-handed neutrinos Matter unification: GUT relation in flavor physics ( :CP phase in GUT) Flavor-violating right-handed current might predict deviation of and so on. (moroi) Colored Higgs Flavor Higgs

Contents of my talk Introduction CP and flavor violation in SUSY GUT model Summary JH and Shimizu, hep-ph/ JH, Kakizaki, Nagai, and shimizu, in preparation.

2, CP violation in SUSY SU(5) GUT the neutrino Yukawa induces the flavor violating right-handed currents, ex, (2.7 sigma deviation observed in Belle experiment.) (1,2) mixing and (2,3) and (1,3) mixings are constrained by and hadronic EDMs, respectively. Here, is the CP phase in colored Higgs interaction. CP and flavor violation in the RH currents give rich hadron physics

Hadronic EDMs Current bounds on Mercury and neutron EDMs constrain the SUSY models. Choromoelectric dipole moments (CEDM) generate CP violating hadron interaction, which generates EDMs of Mercury and neutron. Strange quark component in necleon is not negligible. From baryon mass and sigma term in chiral perturbation theory, Thus, hadronic EDMs depend on the strange quark CEDM via K or eta meson interaction. Using the QCD sum rule, ex, (Falk et al) (Zhitnitsky)

Hg atom EDM Hg is a diamagnetic atom, and the EDM is sensitive to CP- violating nuclear force induced by pion and eta exchange, which generates T-odd EM potential (Shiff momentum). 199 (JH, Shimizu) CP violating Recent evaluation of Shiff momentum by Dmitriev and Sen’kov reveals that contribution to EDM from isoscalar channel for meson exchange is suppressed by 0.01 compared with previous estimate. From it, it is found that the strange quark CEDM contribution comes from pi-eta mixing. Previous result: (Falk et al)

Neutron EDM This evaluation is a difficult task. The QCD sum rule is useful for evaluation of only contribution from valence quarks. Here, we present our result by a traditional calculation of the loop diagrams. Strange quark contribution to neutron EDM is not suppressed Compared with up and down quarks. Here, Peccei-Quinn symmetry is assumed. Axion suppresses strange quark CEDM contribution for valence quarks, while above formula is not so changed even if no PQ symmetry. (JH, Shimizu) CP violating Compare with the sum rule result: ( Pospelov&Ritz)

Deuteron EDM Recently new technique for measurement of deuteron EDM by using storage ring is proposed and the sensitivity may reach to This system is relatively simple and the EDM is given as CP violating nuclear force Each components are New technique for deuteron EDM may reach to This corresponds to and

Hadronic EDM constraint on in SUSY GUT If the off-diagonal term in has a CP phase, it contributes to CEDM in the cooperation with the left-handed squark. The off-diagonal terms are induced by the top quark Yukawa coupling with CKM. Here, Enhanced by heavier fermion mass In typical models, the left-handed squark mixing induced by top quark are

Constraints on the flavor violation in squark mass term From neutron (Hg atom) EDM Constraints on (1-3) and (2-3) mixing for the right-handed squark mixings are stringent. (1-2) mixing is constrained by for Here, are assumed.

CEDMs in SUSY SU(5) GUT with right-handed neutrinos For Here, diagonal right-handed neutrino mass matrix is assumed, and then parameters in neutrino sector are given by oscillation data. New technique for deuteron EDM may reach to This corresponds to and (JH, Kakizaki, Nagai, Shimizu) Deuteron EDM reach

CP asymmetry in v.s. Strange quark CEDM CP asymmetry in and strange quark CEDM are strongly correlated.

Assuming The neutron EDM bound is one or two orders of magnitude stronger for a sizable deviation in (JH, Shimizu) BelleBaBar

Summary In the extension of SUSY GUT, right-handed squark mixings are generated by the neutrino Yukawa interaction. The hadronic EDMs have big potential to probe for (1-3) and (2-3) mixing of the right-handed squark mixing, though they may suffer from theoretical uncertainties. The neutron EDM is more sensitive to strange quark CEDM, and the constrain the deviation of CP asymmetry in. New technique for the deuteron EDM measurement may give more stringent constraints on them or find the signal. It is important to take a correlation among various hadronic EDMs, such as those of diamagnetic atom and neutron. The latter is more sensitive to the strange quark CEDM.

1, Introduction Lepton-flavor Violation (LFV) in neutrino sector : Neutrino oscillation experiments Tau LFV decays ( ⇔ Atmospheric neutrino ? ) Muon LFV decays ( ⇔ Solar neutrino ?) However, Charged LFV depends on the physics beyond the SM and origin of the neutrino masses. How large is LFV in charged lepton sector? ⇒

Other tau LFV processes: One-shell photon contribution is dominant, since dipole operator contribution is proportional to Furthermore, 3lepton processes is enhanced by If we find the LFV, we can examine non-trivial tests! Normal case

the anomalous LFV Yukawa coupling for Higgs boson may be generated radiatively and not be suppressed by the SUSY scale. In this case, the tau LFV processes may be generated by Higgs mediation, and 3mu, mu eta, mu gamma are comparable. (Babu&Kolda;Brignole&Rossi;JH&Shimizu) Even if the slepton is so heavy,

Radiative decay processes: Non-vanishing LFV slepton masses by radiative correction Sizable effect and where 2, Tau LFV in SUSY seesaw model

Belle’s new bounds and future. Further improvements of one or two orders may be expected in super B factory. Belle and BaBar experiments are improving the bounds on Tau LFV processes significantly.

Degrees of freedom of physical observables In (Hermitian) Real: 6,Phase:3 In light mass matrix M:3, :3, CP:1(mixing)+ 2(Majorana) In Seesaw model, M:3+3, :6,CP:4(mixing)+2(Majorana) We can take and for parameterization of seesaw model, and neutrino and charged lepton experiments give independent information of seesaw model. Bottom-up approach to seesaw model

comes from, and from. Question: How large they can be? is generated if. We assume Model-building may favor with, not. (Observed large mixings of neutrino come from Yukawa coupling in a case of, but Majorana mass in.)

in SUSY GUT Non-negligible may lead to the deviation of CP asymmetry since is a radiative processes. The effective operator for induced by : The dominant contribution comes from the gluon penguin diagram in the broad parameter space. Observation of CP asymmetry in (SM prediction : )

The largest values are fixed by only validity of perturbation, and they are larger than the experimental bound. These observations give independent information about seesaw model of neutrino oscillation. Even inverted ordering cases give similar results. Normal ordering for neutrino mass BELLE result (Ellis, JH,Raidal,Shimizu)

Slepton oscillation. (Arkani-hamed et al) If sleptons are produced in future collider experiments, LFV slepton mass leads to slepton oscillation, and then The cross section behaves as collider (JH, Nojiri, Shimizu, Tanaka)