Econ 3010: Intermediate Price Theory (Microeconomics) Professor Dickinson Appalachian State University Lecture Notes Outline— Section 3
Game Theory Simultaneous Move Games Dominant Strategies Nash Equilibrium Mixed Strategies Sequential Move Games
Uncertainty Expected Utility Risk preferences Risk aversion, risk neutrality, risk-loving Example: Demand for Insurance Example: wage negotiations
Exchange and Efficiency The Edgeworth Box Market Trade First and Second Welfare Theorems of Economics
Production and General Equilibrium The Robinson Crusoe Economy Production and consumption What if more goods exist? Production and Edgeworth Exchange
Public Goods Simple externalities and Coase Theorem Provision of Public goods of various sizes or quality Free-riding Voting and the Paradox of voting
Asymmetric Information A lemons market Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard Signaling as a solution Education Example