9 th Grade Academy School Year The Staffing Process for the 9 th Grade Academy and beyond…
Positions Needed: Principal for Appoquinimink High School. Position posted January 22 until February 9 th. Reposted until March 7 th, Proposed interview team – –2 parent representatives, –2 AEA representatives, –Dr. Proffitt, –Matt Fallis, –1-2 additional Administrators. After Principal selected, begin process to hire an Assistant Principal.
Time Line for hiring Principal Appoquinimink High School Jan. 22 nd posted and advertised until March 7 th. Review of applications to determine interview schedule by end of March 15th. Contact Interview Panel and schedule interviews beginning mid- March. Check references. Recommend three candidates to Board by April or May Board Meeting. If no satisfactory candidates, repost and advertise.
Staffing Needed for 9 th Grade Academy: Teachers: English 4 Core 1 Small Group/Inclusion Math 5 Core 3 Small Group/Inclusion Science 4 Core 1 Small Group/Inclusion Social Studies 4 Core 1 Small Group/Inclusion
Staffing Needed for 9 th Grade Academy: Teachers: Family and Consumer Science 1 Teacher Fine and Performing Arts 3 Teachers – Band, Chorus and Drama Visual Arts1 Teacher Agriculture3 Teachers Business Finance 1– 2 Teachers
Staffing Needed for 9 th Grade Academy: Teachers: Technology Teachers Physical Education/Health1 Teachers Foreign Language 2 Teachers – Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japanese will be offered. Librarian 1 Nurse1 Guidance Counselor1
Time line for staffing 9 th Grade Academy January 29 th Staffing needs finalized. By February 27th, Joint announcement to all teachers from DSEA and District. March 1 – 30 th, Teachers submit Voluntary Request for 9 th Grade Academy only. April 1 st – April 20 th – Interviews, if needed, scheduled. By May 15 th teachers notified of staffing positions at 9 th Grade Academy. All other Voluntary Transfer requests as per the contract April 1 – May 15th submission period.
School Year 9 th graders will move on to 10 th grade at either Middletown High School or Appoquinimink High School based on feeder pattern / program. Teachers will be offered another Voluntary Transfer process to request transfers. AEA and District will work together to insure an open and timely process.