“Effort and Excellence…… Expecting and getting success with all students”.
TENTATIVE Timeline Beginning of March: Teacher Recommendations Middle School teachers will submit via ITeacher teacher recommendations for their specific students. Middle of March: Student Request Middle School students will request via IStudent classes they wish to take. This will be done during Guidance and Health classes. End of March: Parent Review Parents will submit requests via IParent.
GO TO: Medford Webpage Click on: ForParents Select IParent Click on “Click here to register for Iparent” Complete registration information (Student ID can be found on child’s report card) *Be sure to enter all your children enrolled in the Medford Public Schools on the same page before clicking the Submit button.* MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD !
After you have received confirmation, follow the directions on the Parent’s Quick Start Guide ( which can be found online)! Parent Recommendations
Click on the check box next to the recommendations if you approve or In the ADD RECOMMENDATIONS section below enter the course (and course #) you would like your child to take next year. In the box next to the course, you can write an explanation or make a comment about your request. All of your core courses should be approved (BY CHECKING THE BOX TO THE LEFT OF THE COURSE). (Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Foreign Language,).
Click on the Lookup tool to search the course catalog for electives in each department (or see the last page of this PowerPoint). Once that is done, in the middle of the schedule there is a note: "Please put a check in the box next to all recommendations that you approve.”
Please make sure your child has four five-credit courses checked off. What Foreign Language will your child be taking? Make sure they have one five-credit course! Did they check off Wellness (Physical Education is part of Wellness)in the schedule? Do they have 6 choices listed in the elective section and have you numbered them?
Click on the box (above Add Recommendations) to approve and click the submit button at the bottom
The high school will create a draft of the schedule and send it home for approval. Any problems with registration? See Mrs. Deterding or Mrs. Andrews. Username__________________ Password___________________
Code FOREIGN LANGUAGE Gr P/C Cr French 1 (std) Italian I (std) Spanish I (std) French 11 (std) French II (hon) Italian II (std) Italian II (hon) Spanish II (std) Spanish II (hon) CodeMEDIAITECHGI'GI' P/CP/C Cr 1573Intro MS Office MS Office Proj. Dev. 9 (std) Media Literacy Digital Images CodeMUSICGr P/C Cr 1802BBand (std) BChorus (std) BOrchestra (std) DJazz Band CodeARTGr P/C CrCr 1702Comprehensive Art (std) Ceramics I (std) Sculpture I (std) CodeHEATH and WELLNESSGr P/C Cr * 1913 Health and Wellness 9 (std) REQUIRED 922 PREREQUISITES Moving Up a Level Standard to Honors or Honors to AP A- Guarantee B+ Tentative Placement Staying at a Level Staying in Honors, Staying in AP B- Guarantee C+ Tentative Placement Exceptions to the Above Honors Biology A grade of A- in grade 8 science, qualifying score on the grade 8 science placement exam, and a passing grade in grade 8 Algebra I; a grade of A- in Introductory Physics and passing grade in grade 9 Algebra I