For each part, you should indicate whether you think it is true (T), false (F), or don’t know (DN). 1. Viruses Contain both DNA and RNA May have an envelope Have their own metabolism May contain enzymes for replication Cell wall
The following are RNA viruses Picornaviruses Adenoviruses Papillomaviruses Rhabdoviruses Rotaviruses
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis Commonly affect the temporal lobe Is usually diagnosed by culture of the CSF May be diagnosed by PCR of the CSF Should be treated with IV ganciclovir May be diagnosed by the finding of specific antibody in the CSF
The following statements are true of Varicella-Zoster Virus Causes a maculopapular rash Respond to AZT therapy Remains latent in sensory ganglia following primary infection Recurrent episodes of Shingles usually occur Patients with shingles are not infectious
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Primary infection is usually symptomatic An infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome may occur during primary infection. May cause severe infection in immunocompromised individuals Is teratogenic Causes Kawasaki's Disease
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is associated with Infectious Mononucleosis Hepatitis Burkitt's lymphoma Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Oral leukoplakia
HHV-6 is associated with Fifth disease Roseala Infantum Kaposi's Sarcoma Infectious Mononucleosis-like illness Oral leukoplakia
Adenoviruses Are associated with genital cancers May cause gastroenteritis May cause conjunctivitis May cause pneumonia May cause warts
Papillomaviruses HPV-6 and HPV-11 are associated with genital cancers HPV-16 and HPV-18 are associated with genital cancers Warts caused by papillomaviruses may respond to interferon therapy Papillomavirus infection is commonly diagnosed by viral culture Are associated with progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML)
Coxsackie B Virus is associated with the following Paralytic illness Myocarditis Bornholm's disease Severe congenital infection Meningitis
Parvoviruses Causes Roseola Infantum Causes Erythema Infectiousum Is teratogenic May cause abortion May cause aplastic crisis in persons with haemolytic anaemias
Rubella Virus The rash of rubella is similar to that caused by parvo and enteroviruses Is teratogenic Congenital rubella is charaterised by eye, ear and heart defects Congenital rubella is diagnosed by the finding of rubella- specific antibody in the cord blood of infants Infants with congenital rubella poses a great infectious risk.
The following markers are usually present in a hepatitis B carrier with chronic active hepatitis HbeAg Anti-HBc IgG Anti-HBc IgM HBV-DNA HbsAg
The following statements are true Chronic HBV infection may respond to interferon therapy Chronic HCV infection may respond to interferon therapy Chronic HCV infection may respond to ribavirin therapy Hepatitis Delta infection may be prevented by vaccination against HBV Hepatitis E Infection may be prevented by vaccination