By: Dr. AFAF EL- ANSARY Lifestyle and Inheritance
Types of Genetic Disorders Disorders Chromosomal MendelianDisordersMultifactorialDisorders
Multifactorial Inheritance Also called polygenic inheritance, is caused by a combination of environmental factors and mutations in multiple genes. Examples include heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
Environmental factors DietDiet Physical activitiesPhysical activities SmokingSmoking StressStress PollutionPollution
You are what you Eat!
Fruits and Vegetables Meat MeatFat Diet Diet Carbohydrates Food additives
The international standard for assessing body size in adults is the body mass index (BMI). BMI is computed using the following formula: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m²) The international standard for assessing body size in adults is the body mass index (BMI). BMI is computed using the following formula: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m²) Body mass index
BMI Values Under Weight< 18.5 Healthy weight range Overweight25-30 Obese>30-40 Very obese>40
Waist Circumference The body-mass index does not indicate the distribution of body fat, and waist circumference is therefore also used as a measure of obesity and the associated health risks. The body-mass index does not indicate the distribution of body fat, and waist circumference is therefore also used as a measure of obesity and the associated health risks.
Diet and Stroke Daily intake of : - Green-yellow vegetables = 26% - Fruit and vegetable = 32% - Fruit intake = 35% - Fruit intake = 35% reduction in risk of stroke. reduction in risk of stroke.
Moderately easily achieved lifestyle intervention (no cigarette smoking, moderate physical activity and easy diet changes). results in 82% reduction risk of coronary artery disease…. coronary artery disease….
Facts on Prevention of Diabetes The risk of diabetes increases 15-fold as the body-mass index rises from 23 kg/m 2 to 35 kg/m 2. The development of type 2 diabetes could be prevented or delayed by making changes in the lifestyle.
Primary prevention of diabetes of diabetes WeightLoss PhysicalActivityStopSmoking
Hazardous of smoking as a lifestyle a lifestyle Major: Heart disease Lung cancer Nasal sinus cancer Minor: Cervical cancer Miscarriages Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Asthma Middle ear infections Acute lower respiratory tract infections Adult Children
Passive smoking Also called “second-hand smoke” or “environmental tobacco smoke” (ETS). An estimated 25% of lung cancer cases among never-smokers are caused by exposure to ETS.
Risk factors for lung cancer The total is more than 100 percent because of interactions between risk factors 90%
Exercise An individual would pay almost any price for a pill that contained all the benefits associated with exercise that: An individual would pay almost any price for a pill that contained all the benefits associated with exercise that: improved mental healthimproved mental health improved body composition. improved body composition. Scientific research has shown repeatedly that exercise can benefit both the body and mind.
Exercise induces BP, HR Positive changes in body composition body weight (1-3 kg), % fat (1-3%) Positive metabolic change insulin sensitivity, cholesterol Effect of Exercise on Healthy Older Adults
Effect of Exercise on HDL: Men vs. Women Metabolic Equivalents
Stress Specific emotional factors (stress) are 6 times more predictive of those who will develop cancer or coronary heart disease than cholesterol, blood pressure or smoking.
Twin with different lifestyles