No. 1 December 28 th - January 3 rd Year X No. 53 This document contents reserved information, property of PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA. The information in this report is obtained from different sources, including the evaluation made by our risk consultants. This report doesn’t warrantee any risk control. PILGRIM SECURITY LTDA., is nor responsible for the accuracy of the facts here described, the opinions or comments expressed in the report don’t express the company position. Colombia Weekly Security Report
2. Hith Level 3. Medium Level 4. Low Level 1. Critical Level HIGH ALERT LEVEL. It is used to indicate significantly high threat areas such as points and sectors that have reported actions and attacks by illegal armed groups, or in which the active presence of the same is reported. ALERT LEVEL MEDIUM. It is used in situations in which it is known of the presence of illegal armed groups, but under the current conditions of analysis, are not perceived as a direct threat not recorded activity and the area is controlled by the police. ALERT LEVEL LOW. The level of alertness Under implies that the threats are assessed as relatively identifiable, it feels normal and security in the area, with a minimum level of risk. WARNING LEVEL CRITICAL. It is used to indicate the presence of emergency events that involve being alert and insecurity terrorist actions. The critical level for violent actions continued and active presence of groups is characterized by illegal. Colombia Risk Map Statistics (Click to display and click to hide) Analysis (Click to display and click to hide) ((For alertness, Click to display and click to hide) STATISTICS Summary of the week: Peace process Minister of Justice ensures that reprieves to guerrillas will be effective in Yesid Reyes Alvarado said that the verification process of the 30 pardons granted by the Government is now going forward. 'Gabino' ensures that negotiations between the ELN and the Government agenda "have been agreed". The guerrilla commander said he hoped that, at the beginning of next year the beginning of dialogues can be made public. However, he warned the need for a bilateral ceasefire. 'Iván Márquez' questioned delays in release of pardoned guerrillas. The Government has said that these accusations have no justification whatsoever. Up to now only three of the 30 guerrillas who will be pardoned are compliant. The Minister of Justice, Yesid Reyes, pointed out that the verification process has taken too long. The Embera indigenous who have been displaced in Colombia, peace is a "lie". Despite advances in Havana, many are still afraid to return to the lands that were cut off by the violence. The leader of the FARC, Rodrigo Londoño, alias 'Timochenko', said that the pending discussion about the peace process, as the bilateral ceasefire and the delivery of weapons, are "extensive, complex and delicate", so it should not be subjected to "pressures and fatal deadlines". The National Government highlighted the significant advances in exploratory talks with the guerrillas of the ELN, which advances from January 2014 in Ecuador, in order to initiate a peace process similar to the one the Executive has with the FARC guerrillas for more than three years in Havana. Uribe disapproves the peace process one more time. To almost thousand days of the start of negotiations between the Government and the FARC, the former President criticized the possibility that the guerrillas do not go to prison. Analysis: We started the 2016 with a hope that should have been consolidated before. While there is no doubt that the Government has done everything within its reach to accelerate the peace accords in Havana, the reality is that any post-conflict with the FARC will find a Colombia with serious economic problems that will condition the political landscape and the landing of what is agreed. However, that is no reason to doubt the success of this historic effort, but it should be at the head of all the parties involved at the time of making promises and claim benefits. That will depend to a large extent, if we consider 2016 as a success or a missed opportunity. Of course the issue is not only of economic model. The social investments necessary to create a new Colombia are in sight. To ensure a true end to the conflict the State will need to be present in all the places where historically it has been absent, and we refer not only to the Public Force. What measures will be taken to begin solving the gap of inequality between social classes and regions in the country? In education, for example, the project ‘Ser Pilo Paga’ is an excellent example of how interventions that may cause immediate changes can be made, but we are in debt from a better education policy that goes beyond the coverage and ensures quality. Effects: President Santos is preparing peace summit. The peace process between the Government and the FARC will undoubtedly be the main source of news this year. The purpose of this meeting is to define the positions of the Government at the peace negotiations meetings about the remaining issues that make reference to the so-called end of the conflict, and that means promptly bilateral cessation of fire, the path of combatants’ reintegration and the delivery of weapons. In addition, proposals for endorsement and implementation of the peace agreements will be treated. (In development) On January 7 th, President Juan Manuel Santos will analyze the final stage of the peace process which is moving forward with the FARC guerrillas, in Havana. For this appointment international advisers and negotiators of the Government have been called. SECURITY ANALYSIS
Events against the civil society Events against the Public Forces Events against infrastructure Actions related with drug trafficking Actions against Illegal Armed Groups Caribbean Region Statistics (Click here to show and click here to hide) Analysis (Click here to show and click here to hide) STATISTICS Maicao (Guajira) Marzo 16: Helicopters fly over the trails used by smugglers to get to gasoline from Maicao, La Guajira to La Paz, César. The operation is the result of several months of research and monitoring became evident that the names of some of the leaders of these international bands. Barranquilla (Atlántico) January 22 th : Barranquilla Metropolitan Police in coordination with La Fiscalia General de la Nacion seized more than 3000 grams of cocaine which were ready to be distributed during the Carnival season in the city, in the area of the 76B street with 24B road, neighborhood Carlos Meisel in the south of Barranquilla. Montelibano (Córdoba) Febraury 10 th : Soldiers from the Infantry Battalion No. 31, captured four men allegedly belonging to the criminal gang Clan 'Úsuga David' Julio Cesar front, at Camp village, José de Uré jusrisdiction. Valledupar (Cesar) January 25 th : Police received information about a shot and wounded man on the 35 street with 24 road at Las Manuelitas neighborhood. The quadrant patrol moved the undocumented victim to the Rosario Lopez Pumarejo Hospital, where he died. INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide) Tierralta (Córdoba) December 14: Two police patrol cars were shot attacked, when they advanced monitoring in the Penjamo area of Tierralta municipality to the South of Cordoba. Manaure (Guajira) December 28: By the increase of threats against his life the leading wayuu Javier Rojas, representative of the Association of Shipia Wayuu, traditional authorities from Manaure, said that he could not be present in the follow- up meeting and conclusion of measures granted by the International Commission on human rights for the indigenous children of Manaure, Riohacha and Maicao, Uribia precautionary. Maicao (Guajira) December 28: Early Sunday, the murder of five indigenous community Puwaimana, in La Guajira occurred, on account of alleged illegal armed groups seeking to snatch their land. Corozal (Sucre) December 28: In a joint operation by the Military Forces, the Gaula of the National Police and Gaula military Caribbean and the Prosecutor's Office, belonging to the departments of the Atlantic, captured German Ojeda Sotelo alias ‘Mancha', in the municipality of Corozal - Sucre, for the murder of Ricardo Camargo Sanchez, professional soldier of the National Army, linked to the military Gaula Caribbean. San Andrés y Providencia. January 2: Units of the Navy development of control and maritime surveillance in the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia, found a package containing cocaine floating in the sea. Barranquilla (Atlántico) January 1: The National Police obtained the capture of two people for the crime of manufacturing, shipping and traffic of narcotic drugs, firearms belonging to the two men captured were seized. The Vice-Minister for multilateral affairs, Francisco Echeverry, announced that the Government will launch actions of shock to give effect to the measures imposed by the Inter-American Commission on human rights (IACHR), precautionary to protect theGuajira Alta Wayuu communities. The official defended the work of the Executive in this area of Colombia in the north, at the time who said that the Government is not responsible for the climatic factors that for more than 4 years have been affecting the Alta Guajira, such as drought. Other interesting facts were: A helicopter with logos of the Venezuelan National Guard, who presented mechanical failures, fell on the border of Colombia and Venezuela, in the sector of La Raya, jurisdiction of Paraguachón municipality, in La Guajira. New Governor of La Guajira claims payment of the social debt with his Department. Oneida Pinto took office in the municipality of Manaure which records most of the children who died because of malnutrition. The address Territorial Guajira-Cesar of the unit's restitution land presented during 2015, 280 claims judges specialized in restitution of lands. Through these actions, legal restitution and material properties of the victims of the internal armed conflict are sought, in the jurisdiction of the unit in this area of the country. A fault in the electrical system that did lose power to the motor, apparently was the cause of a plane type Cesna fumigation could fall on a plantation of oil palm in the municipality of San Martin, South of Cesar, leaving the injured pilot of the aircraft. "The Atlantic will be territory of peace, competitive and a national leader": Eduardo Verano. The summer Governor took office in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Barranquilla before 4,000 people. The Durango general de la Nación, Jorge Fernando Perdomo, warned that the accusing entity follows 637 inquiries against 350 elected mayors nationwide, of which there are 72 in the Caribbean region, and that they take possession on January 1 st, SECURITY ANALYSIS FOR THE REGION
Pacific Region Events against the civil society Events against the Public Forces Events against infrastructure Actions related with drug trafficking Actions against Illegal Armed Groups SECURITY ANALYSIS FOR THE REGION Statistics (Click here to show and click here to hide) Analysis (Click here to show and click here to hide) STATISTICS Tuquerres (Nariño) January 20 th : The National Police blamed the ELN guerrilla group for the death of two police officers iwhen the patrolmen were accompanying a religious pilgrimage at Yascal village. Tumaco (Nariño) January 20 th : Soldiers from the Selva Battalion No Coronel Francisco José Gonzalez - confiscated 9,000 gallons of oil that were located in an illegal structures used by members of the mobile column "Daniel Aldana" of the FARC. López Micay (Cauca) Febraury 10 th : A group of armed men got into the Agrario Bank and stole money and belongings to people who were withdrawing and depositing their money in the only bank this town has in Cauca Pacific. Caldono (Cauca) January 25 th : National Police members captured two suspected guerrillas from the sixth front of the FARC, in the Southwest. Argelia (Cauca) January 25 th : National Army troops destroyed seven handmade laboratories for processing coca pasta base in the departments of Norte de Santander, Cauca and Antioquia. INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide) José del palmar (Choco) December 31: Troops of the Ground Combat Battalion N. 161, located illegal fuel tank with 100 gallons of gasoline, processed in the front and 450 gallons of ACPM Aurelio Rodriguez SAT-T FARC. Apparently these inputs would be used for the processing of cocaine. Capurgana (Choco) December 28: The Secretary of Chocó Government, Biskman Calimeño, confirmed the murder of Ofelia Mendoza Úsuga, leader of restitution of lands in the Department, at times they visited with friends and family in a hostel of her property, in Capurganá small town. Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) December 28: National Navy and National Police captured five men involved in the assault of a passengers’ transport vessel, which soccurred on last Sunday morning, on the North coast of the municipality. Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) December 29: Troops of the National Army in coordination with CTI members, captured a 22year- old subject, belonging to a structure of the organized crime gang ‘La Compañía', that offenders in the commune 10. Barbacoas (Nariño) December 29: Soldiers of the Jungle battalion N. 53 'Colonel Francisco José Gonzále,z' after rigorly inspecting captured Antonio Mesa, 19-year-old, Luis Carlos Angulo Landázuri, 27year-old, and Bayro Mesa 27-year-old, at carrying of alkaloids. Tumaco (Nariño) December 31: National Army captured two men who committed crime through drug trafficking and murder, who were found with more than one kilo of pasta based on coca, belonging apparently of the criminal gangs in the service of drug trafficking. Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) December 28: Troops from the Marine Infantry Brigade N. 2, with the support of Pacific Coast Guard units, located the artifact without engines. An artifact semi- submersible type, that would be used for the shipment of cocaine to the illegal markets of North America. This operation was developed in the mouths of the Naya River sector. Cali (Valle del Cauca) December 30: The National Police captured and sent six members of a family to the jail with security measure designated to belong to a drug ring that sent drugs to Central America Capurgana (Choco) January 1: The Capurgana police through schemes of control in this tourist area, captured a person for the alleged crime of trafficking, manufacturing or carrying of narcotic drugs. Tumaco (Nariño) January 3: The Army and the National Police rescued a minor who had disappeared on December 31 st, and who was allegedly going to be victim of a people trafficking network. The young woman was rescued at Llorente small town, rural area of this municipality. The National Police carried out extraordinary Security Council in the Department of Cauca. With strong devices and road controls, police will reduce the theft on the road between Narino and Cauca. The Department of police Nariño, in head of Señor Coronel Juan Carlos Rodríguez Acosta, accompanied by the Commander of the Department of Cauca police, Edgar Orlando Rodriguez Castrillon, and the Prosecutor's offices director, Dr. William Forero Perea, performed at Remolino small village an extraordinary Security Council, in order to analyze the criminal events in the last month. "Strengthens work articulated through the implementation of new strategies between the departments of Cauca and Nariño particularly in the village of San Juanito de Mercaderes of Cauca, to reduce thefts to people and vehicles", explained in a press release. Other interesting facts were: Dilian Francisca Toro already took office as Governor of Valle del Cauca. The medical and former Congressman is the first woman to be popularly elected as President of the Department. Oscar Rodrigo Campo, took office as Governor of Cauca, women will majority in the Government team; nine members in total. Similarly, he mentioned that four mayors who will be ending his term on December 31 st, will take part in his working group for their performance and local results they had. Cauca: 49 people intoxicated during possession of Mayor. According to the authorities, citizens are intoxicated after consuming cold dishes in the Act of possession of the Caloto Major. Dispossession as the origin of the conflict over the land in Cauca. The current situation of the indigenous people of Cauca, who have been forced to live in the high lands of low productivity, has origins in the historic dispossession carried out by the land-owning class. National Navy located in Buenaventura a semi-submersible. In 1993 it seized the first submersible in the service of drug trafficking,so far 90 illegal artifacts have been neutralized by the authorities. On the occasion of the festivities of New Year’s eve and Carnival in the Department of Nariño, the command of the twenty third Brigade, third Division of the Army, ordered the restriction to the of firearms with pass, based on the law 2535 of December 17 th, The measure will be effective until next January 15 th 2016, which extends to the carrying of explosives and war material, as a precautionary measure while developing the main festivities of the region, such as the Carnival of blacks and whites.
Orinoquia Region Events against the civil society Events against the Public Forces Events against infrastructure Actions related with drug trafficking Actions against Illegal Armed Groups SECURITY ANALYSIS FOR THE REGION Statistics (Click here to show and click here to hide) Analysis (Click here to show and click here to hide) STATISTICS Puerto Leguizamo (Putumayo) January 20th: Units of the Navy in developing search and control operations, located three production of coca paste rustic laboratories, belonging to the financial structure of southern FARC under the Piñuña Black block inspection. Tame (Arauca) January 22 th : Ground Combat Battalion No. 45 Heroes of Majagual units recovered 16 vehicles like motorcycles which had been stolen by the ELN. The Auteco brand motorcycles were recovered near the village of Alto Cauca. La Macarena (Meta) January 23 th : A band of delinquents was found. The band was composed by three men and two women and was active in "Lincoln de la Villa del Cacique" neighborhood. The band used to intimidate and extort the residents and caused the displacement of 4 families of the zone that were composed by 50 people. Tame (Arauca) January 20 th : Illegal groups killed one person and hurt two more. The incident occurred in the area known as La Y, road which communicates Tame with Puerto Rondon and Saravena towns. INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide) Arauquita (Arauca) Octubre 27: The ELN guerrillas attempted against the oil infrastructure, through the use of this criminal organisation AEI affection with AEI a stretch of the pipeline in the trunk the sidewalk in this municipality. San Luis de Palenque (Casanare) Diciembre 29: The tenth Sixth Brigade, 8th Division organic troops, reports capture in flagrante delicto from four people, in the moment in which mobilized a lot of cattle trucks, apparently, product of a robbery. The operation was conducted in the village of Santana. Villavicencio (Meta) December 30: Military Gaula Meta with support of CTI, through an operating anti-extorsion with package lure and controlled delivery carried out in the Centre of Villavicencio, catching in flagrante delicto alias ‘Jhon Jairo‘, 35-year-old native of Cubarral Meta, who had been urging the block name Libertadores del Vichada, the sum of one million pesos to a rentier capital of this city. The Governor of the Colombian Arauca Department, Ricardo Alvarado, has stated that it is necessary to proceed to the formal "stage" of dialogue with the ELN and the consolidation of peace with all the armed actors and that without dialogue peace may not be achieved in the country. "If there is no agreement (with the ELN) and does not move with the guerrilla group and we did not include the border, Venezuelans in this exercise, there will be no peace, and peace will become a utopia.“ Other interesting facts were: In Yopal Mayor John Jairo Torres, through Decree 001 from January 1 st, 2016, assumed the Secretaries of Chambers, who will be accompanied by the current administration in different dependencies of Yopal municipal administration. The Institute of hydrology, meteorology and environmental studies (IDEAM) issued in the last hours the red alert because of fire in Arauca Department, in view of the increase in climate temperature on behalf of the el Niño phenomenon. After an intense campaign to improve the health status of the livestock herd, the Secretariat of agriculture, livestock and environment achieved to certify 179 properties such as brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis-free territories. Villavicencio Government carries out the public accountability of childhood and adolescence. Casanare: Rules, schedules and restrictions for transport of livestock. An important recommendation is the schedule for the transport of livestock in Casanare Department, which is from 5:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon, "they have to take into account that truck that is on the way after this time is illegal, it is won that it comes from smuggling or is gained that it has been stolen", emphasized Lieutenant Naranjo. Court of El Calvario admitted injunction against the reform to the Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial of Villavicencio. An amount of $19 million to invest the Russian company Rosnef Gazstroy in order to build the refinery of Meta. An agreement of understanding was already signed according to the Meta’s governor -Alan Jara Urzola- announcement.
Amazon Region Events against the civil society Events against the Public Forces Events against infrastructure Actions related with drug trafficking Actions against Illegal Armed Groups SECURITY ANALYSIS FOR THE REGION Statistics (Click here to show and click here to hide) Analysis (Click here to show and click here to hide) STATISTICS Puerto Asís (Putumayo) January 19 th : National Police Units found a packet that contained (15) Pentonite bars in a taxi vehicle that was abandoned in the "Metropolitano" neighborhood located in this town. Cellphone activation Puerto Rico (Caquetá) January 25 th : La Fuerza de Tarea conjunta Omega, when fighting against the FARC guerrillas in the village Fundacion of the town, left as a result, the death of two of its members known by the aliases of 'Paisa Salado' and 'Camila'. Puerto Asís (Putumayo) January 19 th : Demonstrators from Puerto Vega Teteye had a fight against the Selva Squad No, 27 with stones and incendiary bombs made with gasoline. The demonstrators are mostly farmers from the villages in the region that have completed 47 days of demonstration against an environmental license extension for oil exploitation that would affect 12 million of hectares. Puerto Asís (Putumayo) January 19 th : A new attack against the oil structure was reported in Putumayo. An explosion caused a fire and the contamination of River Orito. The event was attributed to the Front 48 of the FARC. INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide) San Vicente del Caguan (Caquetá) January 21: National Police members arrested two men who were negotiating a shipment of cocaine base in a rural area. In total 99 kilograms of cocaine base were seized with an approximate value of 180 million pesos. San José del Guaviare (Guaviare) December 23: Secretary of public works in the Department of Guaviare, the architect Julián Bonilla Naranjo was killed by shot. National police carried out the investigation of the fact. Yaruguaco (Caquetá) December 31: The National Army and the National Police through a checkpoint on the road that leads to the municipality of Yurayaco, intercepted two subjects who were transporting the hallucinogen in a backpack that apparently was going to be marketed in more than one million pesos. Florencia (Caquetá) January 2: The National Police dismantled three criminal organizations engaged in various illegal activities including the theft of mobile phones, homes and motorcycles, whose members would be linked with several cases of killings that occurred during the last year. "Moving assistance to victims unit will roll on roads from 11 departments.” An initiative of the Justice Ministry law, which depends directly on the leadership of transitional justice in the entity and offers free services. the Unit aims to assist and guide people affected by violence in the departments of Arauca, Caquetá, Casanare, Putumayo, Nariño, Chocó, Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Risaralda, Caldas and Quindio. In total, there are alread victims who have had access to the five remedies contemplated by the law because of the Ministry of Justice, through such a moving unit, they have been sought and oriented in their populations and villages. Other interesting facts were: Massacre in Puerto Asis, Putumayo. Amid the celebrations of new year's Eve, the murder of three people in Puerto Asís (Putumayo) went almost unnoticed. Land restitution Unit presented a package of demands, on behalf of the indigenous communities of Putumayo jungles and Tenteya of Orito municipality, to achieve the collective titling of more than 2 thousand hectares in this area of the South of the country. This action will benefit more than 400 persons belonging to these communities. Traffickers use 7 peasant and pay him 0.50 per gram of coca. In that and other areas of Colombia, illicit crops spread in The latest report of the United Nations Office on drugs and crime (UNDOC), published in July 2015, reveals that the area of coca crops increased by 44%. The hectare in 2013 spent has in In Puerto Asis, a town of about inhabitants and that it is bounded by succumbing, more than 90% of farmers are dedicated to monoculture plantations of coca. It is the livelihood of the families living in rural areas. 800 men and women and old people, young people, children, moving in the Amazon Pearl from different corner, located in the municipality of Puerto Asis, Putumayo, to commemorate the first 15 years of its Constitution as a peasant reserve area.
Events against the civil society Events against the Public Forces Events against infrastructure Actions related with drug trafficking Actions against Illegal Armed Groups SECURITY SITUATION ANALYSIS IN THE REGION Statistics (Click here to show and click here to hide) Analysis (Click here to show and click here to hide) Andean Region STATISTICS San Calixto (Norte de Santander) January 19 th : Guerrillas from the FARC and ELN attacked the police station. About 20 police officers tried to repel the shooting, which come from mountainous area surrounding the town. INCIDENT SUMMARY (To visualize the incidents, Click on the map icons to show and hide) Sumapaz (Cundinamarca) January 19 th : National Army troops, in vicinity of the 20 locality from Bogotá, managed the capture of Mr. PRICILIANO SUSA MOLINA, because of his alleged links with terrorism support networks which commit crime in this town and cooperate with the Front 51 Jaime Pardo Leal. San Vicente del Caguán (Caquetá) January 21: National Police members arrested two men who were negotiating a shipment of cocaine base in a rural area. In total 99 kilograms of cocaine base were seized with an approximate value of 180 million pesos. Puerto Asís (Putumayo) January 19 th : A new attack against the oil structure was reported in Putumayo. An explosion caused a fire and the contamination of River Orito. The event was attributed to the Front 48 of the FARC. Carmen de Vivoral (Antioquia) Agosto 18: Masked men set fire to the van in which the candidate for mayor of El Carmen de Viboral by the party of the U, Néstor Fernando Zuluaga, mobilized by the town for political campaigning. The incident arose when masked men entered in the early morning hours to the parking, aledaño housing of the politician. Maceo (Antioquia) December 29: In rural areas of the three people of a family were killed by shot. According to early versions of the authorities, to the farm located at La Union village, several men knocked the door and immediately riddled them arrived. Amalfi (Antioquia) December 29: Up to 25 million pesos were demanding three criminals arrested by the police in Amalfi, Northeastern Antioquia, to release and let work seven miners who had refused to pay extortion. Taraza (Antioquia) December 28: Before the troops of the Army’s Ground Combat Battalion N° 132 of the moving brigade N° 25, 4 members of the war front were handed over "Darío Ramírez Castro" of the ELN, which is part of the company "Heroes of Tarazá" of that subversive group. The incident occurred in the Coposa village.. Ituango (Antioquia) December 29: In total, there were three mines antipersonnel which were disabled due to operations carried out by the National Army. The explosive devices, which cause serious injury and mostly death, were found in the under regions of North and Urabá Antioquia. The first mine was deactivated in the village of El Aro. Quépame (Boyacá) December 29: Troops of the Infantry Battalion N. 2 Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre, captured three men in the village of Sorquesito in the municipality of Quipama (Boyaca) when they were admitted to a private property to develop illicit mining activities. Bogotá (Cundinamarca) December 30: By men of the 13th brigade based in the Colombian capital, affected the structures dedicated to drug trafficking. Both structures, FARC and ELN urban guerrilla seeking to pre-empt terrorist attacks. Bogotá (Cundinamarca) December 29: A 58-year-old man was arrested in Bogota by the police, accused of storing and selling radioactive material illegally, reported that institution. Bogotá (Cundinamarca) December 30: The National Police dismantled a band that was in charge of recruiting minors for drug they send home. Amalfi (Antioquia) December 30: The National Police captured two adults and a minor accused of keeping kidnapped for a few hours, seven workers of a mine. The detainees were demanding extortion payments. Neiva (Huila) December 30: National Army captured 4 people in flagrante delicto, who were doing illegal mining in San Luis small village, and specialized equipment for mining were seized in time. Armenia (Quindío) December 29: Units of the miltary Gaula group in, Risaralda in coordination with the CTI, Armenia, Quindio Department, captured two women and a man in flagrante delicto in urban area of the capital, for being engaged in the heroin sale. Gigante (Huila) December 30: The National Army captured an alleged offender, dedicated to the traffic, manufacture and carrying of narcotic drugs, who was captured when it was found under his shirt a plastic bag with 390 grams of marijuana; the man next to the illicit substance and motorcycel. He is now at dispposal of the Huila Policía Nacional, on charges of manufacturing shipping and trafficking of narcotic. Cúcuta (Norte de Santander) January 3: Troops of the 30 th Brigade, in coordination with the Cucuta CTI gave a forceful blow to neutralize two clandestine rustic laboratories in the municipality of Tibu, Campo 2 small village, used by the ELN terrorist group to remove hydrocarbon illegally. Bogotá (Cundinamarca) January 2: Criminal group boarded an inhabitant of sector in the Northwest of the city in order to steal the cell phone. By resisting, he was attacked with a knife on his forearm. Bello (Antioquia) January 3: In intensive care is an eleven-year-old boy who received a bullet impact in the head while playing with a firearm with two friends, also minors. The incident took place in the neighborhood Perez, in Bello, North of the Valley of Aburra. Bogotá (Cundinamarca) January 2: Union international de Police INTERPOL, with information from the Colombian police, captured alias "Duncan" or "Jerome", last grand capo of the so-called "Oficnia dee Envigado". Neiva (Huila) January 3: The National Army captured Jhon Fredy Mosquera Sánchez, 26 year-old, in a sector of Huila capital for the crime of thef It was establish that the man would be involved in a band with which apparently continuously committing robberies in several parts of Neiva, so it was arrested by the military, who left it at the disposal of the fifth Prosecutor's Office in the capital of Huila. There was an increase of killings in Antioquia, and in Medellin were they reduced by The security of Medellin continues retrieving, according to the instruction of the Mayor Federico Gutiérrez in its first Security Council, carried out this Saturday, January 2 nd. The Mayor of Medellin, Federico Gutiérrez Zuluaga, gave the precise instruction to Government forces regain security in the city as well as throughout the institutions. The local representative urged the security agencies to have zero tolerance with crimes such as extortion and the information and care for young people and children from the city providing secure environments in educational institutions, sporting arenas and public spaces, as a first phase of intervention. Other interesting facts were: Victims in Antioquia celebrated Ramón Isaza continues in prison. According to INPEC sources, the new arrest warrant would have been issued by Court of Sonson in recent days, as a judicial process links him with the murder of two people in the East of Antioquia in Fires in Antioquia, Cundinamarca and Boyacá are also attacked by air. During the past two weeks, the Colombian Air Force has attended six forest fires presented in three departments where the flames could not be controlled in land. Up to 25 million pesos were demanding three criminals arrested by the police in Amalfi, Northeastern Antioquia, to release and let work seven miners who had refused to pay extortion. Seven workers were abducted for 10 hours at a mine, by alias “Nata" and "Rodrigo", while a minor known as alias "John" was in charge of waiting for them in a motorcycle to abscond with the money. In 2015 the guerrillas lost almost 2 thousand 500 men in Antioquia and surroundings. The general Jorge Arturo Salgado, Commander of the Seventh Army Division, presented the balance of operations of his unit, which operates in Antioquia and some municipalities of Chocó, Cordoba, Santander and Boyaca. Restitution of lands to reach more municipalities of Antioquia in The unit will reach 77 new paths where the entity documented new cases of looting. 82% of the municipalities of Antioquia is on red alert for fires. Forest fire alert in Norte de Santander. Authorities have different monitoring severe drought that occurs in the North of the Department.