California Proposition 8: County Perspectives By Alexander Martos
Limited LGBT Data Census only has data for same sex households Not representative of entire population Problems in data collection Still very taboo People do not readily admit sexual minority status Varying definitions of “sexual minority” BUT we do have something… Proposition 8 outcomes by County And of course, same sex households (those most impacted by outcome)
Step 1: The Basics
So. What about party affiliations?
Highlighting the Inconsistencies L.A. County Voted for Obama Liberal? Voted for Prop. 8 Conservative? More than double the same-sex households than any other county Only about.6% of the voting population …what now?
Arguments 1.Collect more data! 2.Consider position outside of party affiliation – This should not be political, but personal
This concludes my Midterm presentation. Thank you for your time! To be continued…at the Final presentation.
Skills Used Geoprocessing – Clip Feature Inset Map Graduated Symbols Aggregating Attribute Fields – Joining Male and Female Same-Sex households in Excel to obtain “Total Same-Sex Households” Creating Indices – (Total Population Over 18) / (Total Same-Sex Households x 2) = (Percent of Voting Population) Boundary Sub-set Selection – Displaying Los Angeles County inconsistencies