Compare/Contrast Essay Reflection
Writing a Comparative Essay 1.Read the question carefully. Underline what the question is asking you to do. These key words must be in the thesis statement. 2.Remember- you have 40 minutes total to write this essay. Take 5 minutes (or more, if necessary) to plan and 35 minutes to write. 3.You must have both similarities and differences. It is BEST to take a stand. More similar or different. Remember the 2/1 rule. 4.You must give reasons WHY the similar and different (that is the analysis). 5.Must have at least three pieces of evidence per paragraph topic to prove. With no evidence, how will you prove your thesis?
Step 1 Read the prompt. Underline key words Key words MUST be in thesis statement
Step 2 Identify 3 main ideas/ titles/topics/points of argument Make sure it addresses the prompt
Step 3 Writing the sentence for EACH main idea title/topic/point of argument: 1.Read your sentence? 2.Does it have a main idea or is it a description? 3.Are key words from the prompt mentioned? 4.Does it have a why? Root/underlying reason?
Prompt and Thesis Compare the political structure and economy for two of the following: –Assyrians –Israelites –Phoenicians The political expansion tactics of the Assyrians and Phoenicians were similar in that both desired resources. However, the two empires were more different. The Assyrians and Phoenicians empires employed different political rule due to geographical and structural factors. In addition, the economies for both were different depending on their government policies.