ARigami Augmented Reality Instructions for Supporting Paper Folding
Overview Introduction Motivation Augmented Reality Challenges ARigami Demonstration ARigami
Introduction Team guides: Amar Kalloe, Harold Weffers Developers: Veronika Ansorge, Rubén Guerra, Sarah Bludau, Florian Windolf ARigami
Motivation Develop solution to instruct and support workers in folding packages ARigami
Augmented Reality Linking digital information to our daily environment ARigami
Challenges Choice of Tools How to show information? How to recognize different states? ARigami ARigami
ARigami – A Folding Application A unity-based application ARigami Folding instruction: 3D-Animation designed by 3ds-Max Recognition: Is the specific marker visible
Demonstration ARigami
Thank you for your attention! And a special thanks to OCÉ for that great experience! ARigami