Google 20% Project list
2D Animation I will learn how to properly use buttons, use transitions, animate characters (walk cycles, talking, ext.) and add sound effect. The finished project would be an animated short The field of work I’m perusing Is that of a 2D and/or 3D animator. Learning these tools in a 2D studio (Adobe Flash) would significantly help me towards my goal. Book(s) I will need
3D Animation I will learn about character rigging, character animating, textures, proper lighting, and path setting. The finished project would be a short animation The field of work I’m perusing Is that of a 2D and/or 3D animator. Learning these tools in a 3D studio (3DS Max) would significantly help me towards my goal. Book(s) I will need
Photoshop I will learn how to properly use layer effects, different brush tools, pen tool, and the other image affecting tools. The finished project would be a compilation of characters in a scene. I’m aspiring to be an animator. Knowledge of Photoshop would most likely be an essential asset to 2D on or 3D animation.