By Urmi, Dahsom, and Deema This is the Capitol Building.
» The Legislative Branch’s main job is to make laws for the people. Then, they go through the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch. » This Branch contains the Congress, which has two sub branches: The House of Representatives and The Senate. Each of those sub branches have special duties, which will be introduced today.
The legislative branch was first established by the Article I of the Constitution. The powers for the legislative branch have powers for what they can do and not do. The legislative branch has the power of the whole Congress. Some main jobs for this branch are: » They collect taxes. » For the treasury for the people, they can borrow money. » They can make rules about trading with foreign countries. » They can make uniform laws for the naturalization of foreign citizens.
— They can also count federal money and decide its value. » They can decide about the weights and measures for the country. » They can declare war. » They can support the navy and armies that protect the country. » They can give patents and copyrights to products. » They can decide whether to create post offices or post roads. » They can make laws for bankruptcy for America.
» For to be a representative, there are some requirements the person has to follow when the person wants to be a representative. The person must be at least 25 years of age.
It is a law before it is passed through the three branches. The members of the House of Representatives have special jobs. They are the only ones who can introduce special bills, which are ones which deal with taxes or spending.
» Also, to be a senator for the person’s state they also have requirements. Those requirements are, you must be at least 30 years old of age, you must be a U.S. citizen for at least nine years, and you also have to fulfill the requirements for residency in that state the person wishes to represent.
» The Great Compromise was an agreement the people came into after they finished arguing about the number of representatives sent from each state. » This plan formed the Congress (The Senate and The House of Representatives) which still stands today. » There are more representatives for the House of Representatives from California than Rhode Island since the population of California is greater than the population in Rhode Island.
» The President would have too much power since the Congress approves the decision made by the President. » There would be no chance of wars even though some other country would be attacking us, since nobody could declare war. » Nobody could make laws, no one has any laws to follow. » No one could enforce the law. » There would no one to represent each state. » The Capitol building will be empty. » The president could not get impeached if the president was bad. » There would no reasons to have a executive and a judicial branch. » Nobody would approve nominations by the president or supreme court. » People would get out of order. » No one could approve treaties or trade with other countries. » No one could approve the federal judges for the judicial branch. » No would be there to override the veto by the President.
» Please check out our movie about how the Legislative Branch differs from the other branches in our government. » Also, to know more about our current event, please visit: