*Anti-smoking Campaign* TheTruth.com: Run by the American Legacy Foundation Funded by U.S. tobacco companies under the terms of the Master Settlement Agreement
Mission is to disseminate information to the public... “Knowledge is power” Leaked secret internal documents and memos from big tobacco companies to the public.
Facts come from sources such as: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention Big tobacco companies documents/research (Disclosed as a result of the Master Settlement Agreement)
Concentrated on a movement of the youth... Combating the ‘rebellious’ appeal of cigarettes through the use of David/Goliath rebellion against big tobacco corporations.
Original ads included dramatic camera angles and living people as representation of deaths.ads Extensive use of Hyperbole... More recent ads make use of dark humor and make light of dramatic situations...ads Also, reuse tobacco icon the “Marlboro Man” as spokesman. Also
... How Is all this related to class? Federal Regulation Holding tobacco companies to a higher degree of self- regulation Combating deceptive advertising by big tobacco *The Power of Advertising: -In 2002 there were approximately 300,000 fewer youth smokers due to Truth. - 1/3 of smokers die from smoking related illnesses *Truth and it’s efforts managed to save 100,000 lives that year...