Treating Phobias CP Psychology Mrs. Bradley
Four General Types of Phobias Animal – snakes, spiders, dogs, lions,tigers,bears Natural environment – water, the dark, heights, storms Situational – elevators, flying, driving over bridges, going to dentist, tunnels Blood-Injection- Injury – fear of shots, blood, injury, certain medical procedures
Other phobias that cannot be easily categorized Fear of clowns, fear of cancer, fear of falling into a sinkhole, fear of midgets, fear of choking, etc.
Common phobia symptoms Shortness of breath Feeling of being smothered Palpitations, heart-racing Chest pain or discomfort Trembling or shaking Sweating Nausea Feat of fainting
Social phobia Social anxiety disorder Fear of social situations, excessively self-conscious. Fear of public speaking – very common Fear of being called on in class Fear of strangers Fear of eating or drinking in public
More symptoms… Fear of losing control Feelings of unreality or of being detached from yourself Hot or cold flashes Fear of dying Numbness or tingling sensations
Should I get help? YES --- if your phobia impacts your life. – It causes intense and disabling fear, anxiety, and panic. – You recognize that your fear is excessive and unreasonable. – Your avoid certain situations and places because of your phobia. – Your avoidance interferes with your normal routine. – You’ve had the phobia for at least 6 months.
DON’T GET HELP…. If your phobia doesn’t interfere with your life.
Exposure Therapy Also known as systematic desensitization You are exposed in a safe and controlled way to the object or situation you fear. Gradual encounters – First in imagination – Then in reality
You have a phobia about…
You have a phobia about dogs.. Step 1 – draw a dog Step 2 – read about dogs Step 3 – Look at photos of dogs Step 4 – Look at videos of dogs Step 5 – Look at dogs through a closed window Step 6 – Look at dogs through a partly-opened window
Keep going… you’re doing fine! Step 7 – Look at dogs from a doorway. Step 8 – Move further out from the doorway. Step 9 -- Have a helper bring a dog into a nearby room (on a leash). Step 10 – Have the helper bring the dog into the same room, still on a leash.
Does exposure therapy remind you of anything?
Dr. Leo Marvin’s Baby Steps
Other good ideas… Learn about phobias Challenge negative thoughts – I see many people love dogs. – I see many dogs seem friendly. -- What would I say to someone who has this fear? Learn Relaxation techniques.