PLAGIARISM and DOCUMENTATION Created by Sandra Clark and modified by S. Brady Graphic Design by Michael Lebovics
PLAGIARISM What is plagiarism? Why does it happen? Strategies to avoid it. Our school’s policy.
WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? There are many definitions of plagiarism, all of which say a similar thing. The Toronto District School Board defines it as follows : “Plagiarism comes from the Latin word for Kidnapper. It is the act of using or passing off someone else’s ideas or words as your own….”
ACCORDING TO SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Plagiarism is presenting the intellectual or creative work of someone else as your own. For example: words ideas data images opinions charts
WHY DOES PLAGIARISM HAPPEN? Temptation of Paper Mills - availability of complete essays and reports. Cut and Paste world of research. Overloaded workload and expectations.
. Fear of Inadequate Writing Ability. Low Priority assignments. Just Because students believe they can get away with it.
HOW DO STUDENTS PLAGIARIZE? Copying a friend’s homework or project Using an essay from another course/source Copying and pasting from an online database, electronic encyclopedias or the internet MY WORK OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK
HOW DO STUDENTS PLAGIARIZE? Quoting from a source without proper citation Paraphrasing a source without proper citation Presenting another person’s ideas as your own OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK MY WORK
STRATEGIES TO AVOID PLAGIARISM Learn good Note- Taking Strategies Manage your Time Well Learn proper Citation and Documentation Ask for help when needed
STRATEGIES TO AVOID PLAGIARISM –cont’d Avoid out-of-control note taking - choose words effectively and use point form Record own thoughts and ideas along with the research Use direct quotations – for example - The principal stated that “all students shall obey the rules.”
NOTE-TAKING STRATEGIES Be sure you understand paraphrasing (NOUN:1. A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning.) and summarizing - Know when it is necessary to cite sources Document sources when making notes Use tracking sheets or graphic organizers for information gathering
PROPER CITATION Know how to use embedded citation (You can find the how-to on school’s web page.) Know how to document a Works Cited Page for MLA Style or Reference List for APA Style (check the school’s web page for this info.).
DOCUMENTATION STYLES MLA Works Cited (usually used for arts courses) General format: Author(s). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium. APA References (usually used for sciences and social sciences) General format: Author(s). (Year of Publication). Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.
MLA Examples Encyclopedia, no author “Amaravati Sculpture.” Encylopedia Britannica. 15th ed :311. Print Database, no author “Benjamin Franklin.” Discovering World History Galenet. 20 Mar Web. Sept. 10, Newspaper article with author Cohn, Martin Regg. “Inside the Hermit Kingdom.” Toronto Star Oct. 11, 2006:A1. Print
Book with author Haddon, Mark. A Spot of Bother. Toronto, ON.: Doubleday Canada, Print Book by editor Mintz, Anne P., ed. Web of Deception: Misinformation on the Internet. New York: Information Today, Print Online encyclopedia with author Sentman, Everett. “Aardvark.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Library Publishing, June Web. Sept. 8, 2015.
Internet Source Smith, John. “Benefits of Exercise.” WedMD. WebMD, Sept., Web. October, Author’s last name, Author’s first name. “Article Name”. Title of the website. Publisher Name and date published. Medium. Date Accessed. If no Publisher Name is given type n.p. If no Publication date is given type n.d.
Here is the information necessary for documenting a web site (internet source). Put this info in the proper order with double spacing and indentations: Government of Canada Energy Canada. 4 Dec Bosco, Edward. “Coal in Canada”. Web. Today’s Date.
Here is the information necessary to document a book with an author. Put this info in the proper order with double spacing and indentations: Dude, Where’s My Country? Moore, Michael. Warner Books, New York: Print
Works Cited “Amaravati Sculpture.” Encylopedia Britannica. 15th ed :311. “Benjamin Franklin.” Discovering World History Galenet. 20 Mar Web. Sept. 21, Cohn, Martin Regg. “Inside the Hermit Kingdom.” Toronto Star Oct. 11, 2006:A1. Print.
Haddon, Mark. A Spot of Bother. Toronto, ON.: Doubleday Canada, Print Mintz, Anne P., ed. Web of Deception: Misinformation on the Internet. New York: Information Today, Print. Sentman, Everett. “Aardvark.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Scholastic Library Publishing, Web. Date Accessed. Wars Ancient Greece. 8 Nov Web. Date Accessed..
PLAGIARISM-PROOF ASSIGNMENTS –Be prepared to submit all rough notes with final copy –Some teachers use specialized programs to check for plagiarism –Always hand in a Works Cited (MLA) or Reference (APA) sheet
OUR SCHOOL’S POLICY If the error is simply an oversight, a teacher may allow a student the opportunity to rewrite the assignment with the proper documentation in order that the student is able to learn from his/her mistake OR
OR The teacher will assign a zero to the assignment and the student will not have the opportunity to re-do it.
. You can achieve success honestly!