Pedro Álvaro Cabral The best explorer ever… Nao esquecer de modar as animacoes.
Who was Cabral and where did he come from? Pedro Álvaro Cabral, was born in 1467 in Belmonte (Portugal) and he died in 1520 in Santarem (Portugal). Pedro Álvaro Cabral was a son of a noble family. He was a best friend of King Manuel 1 . Cabral became a very famous Portuguese explorer. Pedro Alvares Cabral was well educated and spoke several languages. He learned physics, geometry, mathematics, cartography and astronomy. All of these things helped him to discover new places.
What did he discover? Pedro Álvaro Cabral was supposed to navigate to India to trade, but in the middle of the voyage he discovered the following places, all in 1500: Cap Verde islands. Brazil. Some parts of South Eastern Africa. Madagascar. Here is the map of his navigation:
Best discovery The best discovery of Álvaro Cabral was Brazil. Brazil is now a country with over 193 million people. Brazil in 1500 was a gigantic forest full of natives, and animals. Now in 2013, Brazil is a country which has become a tourist destination because of the beautiful beaches. Portuguese is spoken by Brazilians.
TimeLine Madagascar parts of South Eastern Africa 1500 1501
By: Alexandre. R