Did you even think about any of that?
7 th grade language arts Mrs. DiDonato, Ms. McLachlan, Mrs. Cochran
An ADVANCED topic sentence will do THREE things: 1.Be three-pronged Include 3 ways, reasons, solutions etc.
2. Be parallel in structure Each prong is the same in structure grammatically. 3. Provide a preview Let us know what the writing will cover.
Television has a positive effect on its viewers because it helps them learn, gives them information from all over the world and allows them to relax. Three pronged (3 reasons) Parallel (same in structure) Each prong begins with a VERB in the present tense. Preview provided
Three pronged (3 qualities) Parallel (same in structure) Each prong begins with noun
Non-parallel topic sentence Westminster, Colorado is a great place to live because of its beautiful views, its small town feel and it has a low crime rate. Parallel topic sentence Westminster, Colorado is a great place to live because of its beautiful views, its small town feel and its low crime rate.
Parallel or not? Fix it if needed. Sports benefit your overall health because they relieve stress in your muscles, they work your cardiovascular system and your brain needs oxygen. Parallel or not? Fix it if needed. Computers are helpful because they are a way to communicate, a way to get work done faster, and a way to entertain yourself. they send oxygen to your organs.
Parallel or not? Fix it if needed. William Shakespeare is influential because of his poetry, his plays and because he coined so many new words. Parallel or not? Fix it if needed. Every student should complete high school because high school graduates earn more, finding better jobs and they have more choices. and his vocabulary. find better have
Parallel or not? Fix it if needed. With future budget cuts upon us, the school district should consider closing school during colder temperature, turn lights off when unnecessary and raising class sizes. Parallel or not? Fix it if needed. Every child should have a pet to provide companionship, teach compassion and encourage responsibility. turning lights off when
Prompt: What are the qualities of an effective leader?
Attack the Prompt Circle the words in the prompt that ask you to do something. (verbs) Draw an arrow from each circled word to what it is specifically asking you do. Rewrite the circled words below. Next to each word, rewrite what the word asks you to do. 1.____________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________ Prompt: Identify and explain the qualities of an effective leader? explain identify the qualities of an effective leader
Brainstorm Create a list of possible qualities _______________ Make a web “qualities of a leader” in the middle. Off of the middle circle you must include at least 3 traits or actions that make a leader effective. Prompt: Identify and explain the qualities of an effective leader?
Brainstorm Create a list of possible qualities _______________ Choose the order of your response: Place a number next to each trait or action showing what order you will write about it. Prompt: Identify and explain the qualities of an effective leader? 1 3 2
Brainstorm Create a list of possible qualities _______________ Choose the order of your response: Place a number next to each trait or action showing what order you will write about it. Prompt: Identify and explain the qualities of an effective leader? Draft your thesis statement : __________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________