MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maritime Forum E-learning module
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide Maritime Forum – Architecture ‘Visitor’ = ‘User’ BrowseRegister Ask to create Group, via EC Ask to join Group Edit / leave comments = ‘ Group leader’ = ‘Contributor’ Publish public doc’s Documents, events … (PUBLIC) Documents (RESTRIC- TED) Publish restricted access doc’s / leave comments
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide ‘VISITOR’ of FORUM : Via website: or via site Commission : 1. Find the Maritime Forum
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide Become ‘ USER ’ : Register by ‘ Create an account ’ / 2a. Register
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 2b. Register Registration is free, open to all Registration with European Commission (‘ECAS’-login) Registered users can sign up for information updates via to be alerted of new postings concerning themes that interest them
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 3. ECAS Registration Create a personal account with European Commission (‘ECAS’) : ‘once and for all’
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 4. Once registered login Once created your account, log in every time
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 5. Ask to join an existing group (1) Once Find a group you are interested in joining
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 5. Ask to join an existing group (2) Once Request access to the group leader We need a new screenshot here with the list of groups and the icon join.
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 6. Your groups Once Go to a group of which you are a member
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 7a. Work in your group upload document Add a document to the group
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 7b. Work in your group insert an event (seminar/meeting) Add an event to the group
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 8. Create a new Group/ become a leader Ask for the creation of your Group
MARITIME AFFAIRS Slide 9. Search for documents Browse, Search