CathEdNet myclasses Trial Module 1 – Introduction to myclasses
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial2 myclasses is a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which enables teachers to find, assemble, schedule and use online resources to facilitate online learning effectively and easily. It enables teachers to provide students with a structured, clear and easily accessible online learning experience. Overview myclasses
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial3 Overview myclasses In this module you will learn about: –The components of the Class Foyer and Class Pages –Navigating around myclasses –Creating a Class Page –Viewing a Class Page –Class Manager
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial4 Class Foyer myclasses The Class Foyer is the entry point for all users of myclasses. The Class Foyer consists of: A welcome banner with links to information about the user’s privileges; A list of all of the user’s classes; Access to a set of Flash tutorials to provide an easy method of learning about the various elements of myclasses; A navigation bar; A side tool bar giving access to a variety of tools.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial5 Class Foyer myclasses Side tool bar Class summary myclasses tutorials Navigation bar Welcome banner
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial6 Class Foyer myclasses The Welcome banner contains links to information about myclasses.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial7 Class Foyer myclasses The navigation tabs at the top of the page allow users to access all of their myinternet tools; School website mydesktop myclasses mymail SINA Administration if you are the administrator
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial8 Class Foyer myclasses Teacher Menu Student Menu The side tool bar allows the user to access and utilise tools supporting the use of myclasses.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial9 Class Foyer myclasses Student Menu Teacher Menu
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial10 Class Foyer The subjects/year levels chosen in the Profile will appear as defaults within the Search Resources options.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial11 Class Foyer myclasses Teacher Class Summary- All Classes the teacher has created. Student Class Summary- Classes of which the student is a member.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial12 Class Foyer myclasses The Tutorials Property on the right-hand side of the Class Foyer contains links to animated help modules on various topics to help teachers get the most out of myclasses.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial13 Class Pages myclasses Create a new Class Page via the Side Tool bar….. …or the Class Summary Property in the Class Foyer.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial14 Creating a Class Page myclasses
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial15 Creating a Class Page myclasses
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial16 Creating a Class Page myclasses Properties appear differently within the Class Page for teachers and students, as illustrated in this example: Teacher, or Manage view Student view
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial17 Creating a Class Page myclasses E-Learning Folios Property -comprises online resources for a lesson.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial18 Creating a Class Page myclasses Class Files Property – A repository of relevant files and resources made available to your class.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial19 Creating a Class Page myclasses Class Calendar Property -enables you to view and schedule events for your class in a calendar format.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial20 Creating a Class Page myclasses Class Journal - Provides a Journal Property for students to record journal entries. Shared JournalPrivate Journal
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial21 Creating a Class Page myclasses Class Notice Board – Provides a place to post messages to your class.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial22 Creating a Class Page myclasses Class Image Property – Can be used to display photos or work on the Class Page.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial23 Creating a Class Page myclasses Text and Images Property- The Text and Images Property can contain text, images or hyperlinks relevant to your class.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial24 Creating a Class Page myclasses Add Class Members and Maintainers
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial25 Creating a Class Page myclasses Adding members by uploading a file: Select file and click upload……and click Add. The names now appear in the Current Students list.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial26 Creating a Class Page myclasses Adding members by searching for users: Select group and sorting option… …highlight names and click Add. The names now appear in the Current Students list.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial27 Creating a Class Page myclasses Adding maintainers: Select maintainers from the list… …and click Add. The names now appear in the Current Maintainers list.
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial28 Viewing a Class Page myclasses Teacher View of the Class Page
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial29 Viewing a Class Page myclasses Student View of the Class Page
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial30 Class Manager myclasses
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial31 Overview myclasses
CathEdNet - myclasses Trial32 Overview myclasses