E-Learning By : Amira AL-Qattan E-Learning By : Amira AL-Qattan
WHAT IS E-LEARNING? E-learning applications and processes include Web- based learning, computer- based learning, virtual classroom opportunities and digital collaboration. Content is delivered via the Internet, intranet/extranet, audio or video tape, satellite TV, and CD-ROM. It can be self-paced or instructor-led and includes media in the form of text, image, animation, streaming video and audio. E-learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. E-learning is essentially the computer and network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge.
Are all websites trustworthy? The Net is our number one source of information
We are surrounded with technology. Even those who claim to hate it use it all the time.
General Goals of E-Learning To implement E-Learning in educational and academic institutes To develop and improve the learning process. To cater for a technologically literate community by using effective means of communication
E-learning is available 24/7 It helps in developing self confidence and a sense of responsibility It caters for all ages. It provides a certain psychological safe net between teachers and learners. It caters for the different learning styles and intelligences It is all about technology in the real world It has no limits. The sources are constantly updated Instant feedback Time saving ( registration– handing in grades – designing time tables…etc) Compensates for lack of experience Gives the sense of equality among learners
Synchronous It combines both teacher and learner at the same time. ( voice & video chat - chatrooms) Asynchronous Teachers here can log on the net and put their own resources and assignments. Learner can log later on to check on them ( s ) Blended Learning It deals with both types. The learner here can have a direct contact with the teacher as well as self learning. (websites- CDs -programmes ) Types of E- learning
Challenges: Public campaigns are needed to raise the awareness of the new system and its importance. Educationists should take part in this change. Creating the infrastructure needed should include: - Training teachers to handle the new system effectively. - Setting communication lines. - Designing programmes by professionals.
In traditional education, learners see each other, know each other and this is very important in a world that demands team players more than individualization…
How can we bring this about in a virtual classroom where technology should be dominant?
General discussion concerning tasks, welcome messages and s between members - partnering learners in tasks and assignments …etc
Is E-learning as effective as everyone claims?
E-learning can never be the responsibility of one person. The teacher is mainly a facilitator here and the learners are responsible for creating the interactive classroom. Learners are not only to access the net or do the required assignment or browse and surf, they also have to share ideas, state opinion, and judge or evaluate. The teacher here will guide and control what is going on, making sure that the task presented is both appealing to at least 2 different multiple intelligences and the students are actually interested and engaged in learning.
Once we establish this in class, what do you expect to happen?
Work environment ethics are being enhanced. Effective communication. Peer learning and co-operation among learners. Resources are shared. Encouragement takes place when learners evaluate their peers’ work. Role play and sharing responsibility.
And most importantly is that you are actually creating what the market demands;
Drawbacks for E-learning Standards. What are they? Why are they necessary? Some text books in some subjects are in dire need for modification and alteration and this is expensive. Once this has been done we face another obstacle; updating. So are we going to change these standards every few years? Motivation. E-learning is still crawling over stones and unless the vision is clear to both teachers and learners, we will not be able to use it effectively. I have been approached by experienced teachers with their fears saying that technology is “stupid”. Some have very high expectations and when faced with the limited facilities at school they experience great disappointments. Methodology: Decisions are being made by supervisors or officials who have stopped teaching for some time. Teachers need to be consulted and engaged in decision making because they are our troops down in the field. Privacy. Is learners’ data safe? At one point the Federal Bank of America has been hacked so what makes our data and work safe? Are we such a fortress of security? Digital filtering: In an Islamic community we have to protect our students from unwanted materials. We also have to protect our systems from harmful software and viruses. This will put restraints on teachers. They will not be able to upload or download anything without permission. Traditional classrooms should be changed to cater for e-learning.
If we succeed in venturing into the virtual world of e-learning, we will enjoy : - A paper-free world - Universities with no walls - Virtual schools - Digital curriculum - Smart classes
BLOGSPOT Is another way of having a blended learning. Using your blog to upload files and getting instant feedback is one of the advantages of blogs. How to create a blog spot? Follow these steps:
TASK Choose any lesson in any stage and design an e-learning experience for your students.