Harmonic Oscillator (harmosc1.mpg) The wave function at t = 0 has the form (x,0) = A exp[-x 2 /10 2 ] V(x) = ½ (x/50) 2 & starting v = 0 Which direction is the force? What will the wave function do? Estimate E.
Harmonic Oscillator (harmosc1.mpg)
Why doesn’t | | 2 change with t? Does change with t? If used (x,0) = A exp[-x 2 /11 2 ], would | | 2 change with t?
Harmonic Oscillator (harmoscr.mpg) The wave function at t = 0 has the form (x,0) = A exp[-x 2 /10 2 ] V(x) = ½ (x/50) 2 & starting v = 0 Only the real part of in this movie
Harmonic Oscillator (harmoscr.mpg)
What is the real part of ? The imaginary part? Why is the solution a function of x times a function of t?