Quarter 3 Project Create Movie Poster about an original movie idea that takes place during: Ancient Greece, Rome or during the Middle Ages . Complete Movie synopsis form.
Poster Guidelines Title of your movie Release date Original artwork that gives a sneak peak of what your movie is about. The goal of a movie poster is to get people to go to see your movie.
Quarter 3 Project timeline Explanation or project: Wednesday Classroom workday: Thursday, Friday Project Due Date: Wednesday March 11
Quarter 3 Rubric Movie Synopsis Form Movie Poster Numbers 1-4 completed _____ 6 points Summary of Movie (5) _____ 10 points Movie Poster Includes title, opening day, original artwork _____ 6 points Title: large and eye catching _____ 5 points Original artwork: neat, colorful _____ 20 points Goal: does the poster help me understand what the movie is about and make me want to see your movie? _____ 10 points Total Points Possible: 57 points (x 2)