BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 1 Antonio Limosani JSPS Fellow (KEK-IPNS JAPAN) BMN
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 2 Motivation Fundamental parameter in SM CKM mixing matrix element Unitarity Triangle Side-length Directly test the mechanism for CP Violation in SM
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 3 Measurement type - Inclusive MXMX hadrons Charged lepton neutrino q2q2 p lepton 1. Cuts to avoid B X c l 2. Measure 3. Extract V ub Quark level B
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 4 HFAG V ub Average SourceError (%) Stat2.2 Exp2.8 Bkgd model1.9 Signal model1.6 HQE: m b 4.2 SSF/matching3.8 WA1.9 Total7.3
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 5 Fully reconstructed B sample Dedicated exclusive channels are searched for in reconstruction –180 decay chains –Clean environment but small sample – Reconstruction Efficiency ~ 0.3% Reconstructed modes
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 6 Fully reconstructed B analysis Fully reconstruct the event 4-momenta of both B’s are known Identify lepton from B Xl on the signal side Use Particle ID to reconstruct the hadronic system and calculate Estimate the signal B X u l
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 7 Belle M x 253/fb B=(1.24±0.11(stat) ±0.09(sys) ± 0.08(b->u) ±0.03(b->c))x10 -3 V ub =4.09 x10 -3 (1 ±0.049 (stat) ±0.035 (sys) ±0.031 (b->u) ±0.011 (b->c) ±0.045 (SF) ±0.038 (theory)) M x < 1.7 GeV/c 2 Phys.Rev.Lett.95:241801,2005 (hep-ex/ )
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 8 M x Analysis : Statistical Error projections Luminosity(/ab) Signal to Noise B tag efficiency |V ub | stat %
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 9 Luminosity(/ab) Detector simulation3.5 Background model (charm) Signal modelDepends of HQE parameters : b-quark mass, m b, dominates Extrapolating to full branching fraction (SF) Theory |V ub | : Matching scales, SSF Theory/Exp |V ub | : Weak Annihilation |V ub | stat % M x Analysis : Systematic & Theory Error projections
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 10 b-quark mass, m b (4.60 +/- 0.04) GeV/c 2 Luminosity(/ab) Exp error: Moments data Theory error Vary s, m b, m c 0.03 Total error M x Analysis : b-quark mass Precision on m b hits theory floor!
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 11 M x Analysis : Systematic & Theory Error projections Luminosity(/ab) Detector simulation3.5 Background model (charm) Signal model Extrapolating to full branching fraction (SF) Theory |V ub | : Matching scales, SSF 3.6 Theory/Exp |V ub | : Weak Annihilation
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 12 M x Analysis : Total Error projections Luminosity(/ab) |V ub | total % |V ub | exp % |V ub | theory %
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 13 M x Analysis : Total Error projections
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 14 V ub with Reduced Model dependence Phys.Rev.Lett. 96 (2006) (hep-ex/ ) (BABAR Collaboration) M x < 2.5 GeV/c 2 V ub =3.84 x10 -3 (1 ±0.182 (stat) ±0.036 (sys) ±0.056 (b->u) ±0.038 (b->c) ±0.000 (SF) ±0.026 (theory))
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 15 Error projections Luminosity(/ab) Statistics Detector simulation3.6 Background model (charm) Signal model Extrapolating to full branching fraction (SF) 0.0 Theory |V ub | : Perturbative 3.6 Total
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 16 Error projections
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 17 Measurement types - Exclusive Theoretical description parameterised by a single form factor pion Charged lepton neutrino q2q2 p lepton B Experimentally less ambiguous than the inclusive decay Determine using unquenched lattice QCD calculations. Model independent Limited to q 2 >16 GeV 2 /c 2
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 18 Current status - Exclusive
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 19 V ub from B(B-> lv: q 2 >16 ) Three methods 1. Untagged: Systematic error 0.2ab -1 (BABAR) Previous to this study consensus was one couldn’t get lower than 8% 2. Semileptonic tag : Systematic error 0.25ab -1 (Belle) Systematic dominated by statistics of control sample Total error 5ab -1 and 50ab Full B reconstruction tag : Systematic error -1 (Belle) Total error : -1 (statistics dominated) Total error : -1 Total error : -1 (improvement in full recon efficiency) Total error : -1 Theoretical uncertainties (Lattice QCD) Phys. Rev. D73: (2006) Currently error is at 12%, but it’s anticipated that it will reach 5%.
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 20 Future of Exclusive V ub
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 21 Future of V ub Tagged analyses are essential At logged luminosities of 5/ab and 50/ab precision is limited by systematic and theoretical uncertainties ~ 5% Co-ordinated experimental and theory studies are needed to reduce this error further b-quark mass
BNM Tsukuba (KEK) Sep Antonio Limosani KEK Slide 22 Backup Slides