Lab #3 Cat Dissection
Cats vs. Humans Differences – Gluteal Muscles – Deltoids – Trapezius
Today’s Lab Skin Cat Identify Superficial Cat Muscles Identify Muscles on Human Models
Removing the Skin from the Cat
Ventral Muscles Lower Limb Gracilis Sartorius
Dorsal Muscles Lower Limb Semitendinosus Biceps Femoris
Dorsal Muscles Lower Limb Semimembranosus Caudofemoralis
Dorsal Muscles Lower Limb Gluteus Maximus Tensor fasciae latae
Ventral Muscles Thorax Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor
Head and Neck Muscles Masseter Sternohyoid
Head and Neck Muscles Sternomastoid
Abdominal Muscles Rectus Abdominus External Oblique
Abdominal Muscles Transverse Abdominus Internal Oblique
Upper Arm Muscles Triceps Brachii
Dorsal Thorax Spinodeltoid Acromiodeltoid Clavodeltoid
Dorsal Thorax & Abdomen Spinotrapezius Acromiotrapezius Clavotrapezius
Dorsal Thorax & Abdomen Latissimus Dorsi
For Practical For the practical you are responsible for: – All the muscles in the table from the lab handout on the cat – All of the muscles origins and insertions on the cat that are listed in your lab handout. – All the muscles in the table on the human except the three trapezius muscles and the three deltoid muscles. On the human you must know the trapezius and the deltoid.