Farmer to Farmer ICT Workshop Evaluation Results Based on the responses of 19 workshop participants out of 24 total Presented to USAID by the FACET project on January 3rd, 2012
How would you rate the overall quality of the workshop? 89.5% of all respondents found the workshop at least moderately useful.
How applicable was each of the following activities to your work? On average, 88% of respondents found all activities at least moderately applicable This was by far the most applicable activity
What elements covered during the workshop do you think would be useful to your own work? The ICT tools shared during the workshop were rated as the most useful by participants.
In what way do you think the elements covered during the workshop do you will be useful to your own work? A selection of quotes from participants: “Having a chance to try out some of the ICT tools in person was great. This will help because we are responsible for working with the field staff to create this content. Now that we have a basic knowledge of some of these tools we should be able to help create some higher quality material.” “Some of the questions we discussed in groups have already come up in my work, especially the challenge of reporting and showing impact of video production assignments. It became clear that more training needed to take place in addition to direct production of videos.” “It was great to see what online tools are available for use in our programming. These will prove useful in home office work for the most part.” “The overview of available tools will be very useful by allowing us to expand our work and outreach using ICT tools.” “Most of the ICT tools presented were very interesting and seem directly applicable to our work, particularly in terms of training for field and HQ staff. The assessment of the ICT option was also useful in thinking through the many dimensions involved in incorporating ICT on a larger scale-- leadership, consensus, financial and management sustainability, etc.” “Simple tools for multi-media such as low-cost video and slidecasts will be easiest to adopt.”
How, if at all, do you plan to incorporate any of the elements covered during the workshop further into your work?
How well did the workshop respond to your expectations? A selection of quotes from participants: “I didn't expect the initial mapping and strategic assessment, but I see the value in having good analysis and planning to use resources best. Thanks for guiding us!” “I think it was a good balance of practical activities and case studies.” “The ICT Workshop exceeded my expectation by allowing participants to brainstorm as well as, gained actual experience in using ICT tools to solve problems.” “I appreciated that the workshop covered what all of the implementers are doing. This was good to get ideas and inspiration from. Further, thinking of alternate uses if ICT was helpful.” “While the tools we gained were very useful, I was hoping to go more into ICT tools in the field that are used specifically to further agriculture, such as MIS and GIS. I wanted to learn from the other implementers how they use volunteers to further ICT efforts in African agriculture, rather than solely focus on ICT applications to resolve the constraints.” “It was helpful to find out more about what is working and what is being used already. Even though the examples were not geared towards my region, it was still helpful to go through examples and learn from the presentations.” “I had really wanted to get a very concrete next step for how we handle ICT. I think our organization was able to discuss among itself and identify this step.”
What areas covered during this workshop would you like to learn more about?
What additional support would you like to receive to help you continue to strengthen and increase your use of ICT in your work?
Things to Consider for the Future Overall the workshop appeared to have met participant expectations and was considered useful. A couple of considerations for the future include: – Several of the participants felt that the pace of sessions was too slow. This is something to be mindful of in the future. – Several participants wanted greater focus and more time spent on the ICT tools. It may be helpful to hold another, more in-depth training for home office and field staff with at least 2.5 days dedicated to the material covered during this workshop. FACET would be able to facilitate such a training if participant costs are covered by implementing partners. Farmer to Farmer may want to consider developing a listserv for implementing partners to share their field experiences with ICT tools. A number of participants mentioned the need to develop FtF indicators to match ICT interventions.