Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) EML: definition What is an Educational Modelling Language? (Provisional definition:) … a semantic rich information model and binding, describing the content and process within ‘units of learning’ from an pedagogical perspective
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Pedagogical perspective: semantics In this lesson you learn how to repair a radio In this lesson you learn how to repair a radio
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Information model
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Information model, binding, DTD (description, vocabulary, definitions, relations) DTD:
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Units of Study = ‘gestalt’: unbreakable unit which represents all content and processes in function of learning something Abstract term for a designed entity which models the activities, content, tools and workflow for learners and staff to accomplish one or more learning objectives Examples: module, course, curriculum, practical, lesson, …
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Content and process Learning is different from consuming content! Learning comes from being active The instructional problem is how to stimulate learning activities by learners, how to support them during performance, and how to assess the outcomes (process) When a learner performs a learning activity he/she uses learning content
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Pedagogical perspective: entities and relations Examples of pedagogical entities: - study tasks - tests - learning objectives - prerequisites - tutoring facilities Data is structured to its pedagogical functionality within units of learning
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Pedagogical perspective: meta-model There are hundreds of different pedagogical models, implementing one model is not the right direction for general use and standardisation ‘Pedagogical Neutral’ is one way of solving this issue, but most of these neutral solutions actually are semantic poor solutions Better way: ‘Pedagogical Plural’ meta-model which allows the creation of templates for the different specific models (see e.g. paper Rob Koper) Is NOT the same as pushing one pedagogical model; it enables us to describe arbitrary existing models in a more formal way
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Some burning questions Do we feel that all pedagogical models can be subsumed in one meta-model? Or: what do we see as the optimal level of abstraction How could we define and validate binding entities for a VLC, like unit of study, environment, (learning) activity, … ? How could we give more scientific foundation from research on L&I (theories and models), and relate to practical ‘european concerns’ ? Do we feel that these binding entities vary from community to community, and if so how?
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) The language of flexible learning: Pedagogy and Technology …………… …………… paradox or partnership ? Hans Hummel
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Semantics in LT SEMANTIC RICH Learn skill X Introduction Do test SEMANTIC POOR Learn Skill X Introduction Do test
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Mission and objectives Mission Prometeus: “…encourage effective use, R&D in the field of technology enabled learning” (tagline: Building a common approach to e- learning in Europe) Objective SIG Pedagogies: “… build consensus regarding appropriate pedagogies for e-learning …(esp. collaborative)”
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Mission and objectives (2) Objectives of this Learning Communities expert discussion: Explore conditions involved in the existence of (Virtual) Learning Communities Explore their benefits for personal and organisational learning Identify which outputs of ICT facilitate their generation and how Identify constraints that affect their generation
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) The big(ger) picture Trends is society (Lifelong learning, flexible learning, dual learning, ICT) New paradigms for teaching (competency-based, collaborative, performance improvement) Need for flexible learning communities (Adaptive in matching characteristics of learners and staff)
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Explore ‘pedagogical plurality’ and outputs of ICT to facilitate this in VLC (Stuttgart : revised framework SIG Pedagogies) TeacherLearnerMaterialCommunity Technology (ICT) Information model PedagogyLearner model Teacher model Learning model Organisatio n Domain model Domain model Domain model Domain model
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Four packages Theories of learning & instruction (literature) Information model (learning objects in VLC) (practice) Learning models (consensus) Domain model (organisation) SIG input
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Why an EML? EMLs contain all the logic and content of a learning unit, so it allows for real interoperability and collaboration between institutions and industry most current specifications solve only parts of the problem preserve learning materials independent of tools (interpretable without knowledge of runtimes) units of learning act as ‘gestalts’ in education, smaller specifications wouldn’t do the work most current specifications have low semantics. help designers in validating instructional designs
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Medium-neutrality
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Re-usability Contentmanagement Re-use and flexible delivery of information Optimizing educational process
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Pedagogical plurality Different pedagogical approaches, e.g. problem-based learning, collaborative learning etc. Pre-defined templates
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001) Personalisation Learning needs Previously obtained competences, knowledge Situational circumstances Individual preferences
Prometeus-Mallorca (Nov18&19,2001)
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