Inclusive By Design project Policy perspective Presentation of the first results
The objective To identify, collect and analyse successful examples on Policy measures which are supportive for the introduction or use of IST-based technologies to combat / facilitate inclusion.
Which focus? policy measures: legislation, Directives, Resolution, recommendations, programmes, action plans etc No focus only on technologies designed for all or technologies that are following a proactive design and development process. Assumption: supportive policy contexts for IST-based technologies will be equally supportive as for IST-based technologies designed for all"
Which approach? Documents collected Geography: European, national regional Aspects education vocational training employment) Aims Promotion of the use of IST-based technologies for disadvantaged groups in order to facilitate their inclusion.
The address pool eographical levels: European, National and local. Types: resolutions, legislation, programmes, action plans, political Positions “Authors”: the public or private sector (mostly third sector) European countries (sometimes the same document, under European guidelines, in order to check the differences among member states) Target groups (“specific”: focused on one or more disadvantaged target group or “general”: addressed to the general population)
International documents European documents Member States’ documents NGO’s documents Others
Outcomes A lot of policy documents about: IST Social inclusion Employment, education and vocational training BUT very few about Proactive design
Swedish National Action Programme for ICT in schools - Tools for learning Objectives in the fight against poverty and social exclusion The learner’s guide of the Open University (UK) The European Manifesto on Information Society and people with disabilities