e-learning Some examples of new ICT tools in action - Alan Coop, July 2011
Geogebra Interactive geometry software for education Dynamic interface, allowing mathematically defined objects to be easily modified Widely used in schools Free to download Have found it to be an excellent teaching tool as well as handy for creating custom worksheets
Y11 Maths: Simultaneous Equations Finding the point of intersection of 2 lines both graphically and algebraically Simple case More complex case
Y11 Maths: Linear Graphing Quickly create worksheets. Students to establish equations of lines shown Students to establish gradient of lines shown and relationship between a line and its normal
Y13 Calculus: Log functions and their derivatives Exponential function & derivative Varying the base above and below e
Y13 Calculus: Functions and their derivatives Changes can be made to demonstrate impact on the derivative Function not differentiable at all points 3 rd degree polynomial, 1 st and 2 nd derivative showing significance of turning points and max/min points
Summary The combination of OneNote snap tool and dynamic graphing software has allowed easy creation of more meaningful presentations. Being able to adjust the objects in response to student discussion enables faster, more solid student understanding of a range of mathematical concepts. Students can freely use the same tools in their own study a well.