Cooperation between C-Plus and Clusters Cord project 16 th April 2012 Hotel Crowne Plaza Prague Castle, Prague Dana Krejsova, RDA UR, plc.
Cluster Cord project Start of the project: April 2010 End of the project: February 2013 Project partners: 10 partners from 8 countries (CZ, DE, SK, SI, HU, PL, AT, IT) acting as regional development agencies or business supporting centers Project general objectives To strenght CE competitiveness: by promoting the exchange of best practices by cooperation among clusters from the same thematic fields
At the end of the project At least 3 cooperation agreements to be signed5 thematic scans and 5 strategic plans will be prepared After benchmarking 5 most promising industries selected ICT, Tourism, Health sciences, Food processing, Energy and environment At the beginning of the project 10 pre-identified industries Mobility and logistics, Professional services, ICT, Automotive and aeronautics, Tourism, Health sciences, Energy and environment, Production Technologies, Wood industries, Food processing
Project’s tools: Clusters mapping Results in Benchmarking study Cooperation between clusters related projects e.g. Cluster Observatory, ClusterCollaboration platform Exchange forums and other communication tools For cluster managers and clusters members 3 exchange forums within the project Teleconferences, Skype calls, profile on Linked In, s Clusters managers training Training materials based on the project experiences Training materials based also on other project results – using good practice examples, e.g. C-Plus, CNCB
Project’s tools cont.: Project observers Relevant regional authorities Local observers meeting Regional Policies recommendations RDA’S and business support centers Functioning as a facilitator
Reasons for cooperation between projects To avoid overlapping of the activities To use gathered knowledge and build on it To learn from the best practice and from the mistakes
International clusters related projects in the Czech Republic IN2WOODChemClustC-Plus Clusters Cord CNCBCluStratClusterCOOP
Thank you for your attention Contact: Lead partner: Regional Development Agency of Usti Region, PLC. Project manager: Dana Krejsova, Project website: “This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.”