October - DecemberJanuaryFebruary - AprilMay – June Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices & professional- mentors interview & rank apprenticeships. “Free trial” for all matches. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. Reflect on apprenticeship takeaways. Plan for summer employment & post-secondary goals. Match Month Apprentice Reflect & Plan Workplace Prep Student Selection September Bulkeley Juniors apply to program and are selected as Jr. Apprentices APPRENTICE Program Timeline JR.
October - DecemberJanuaryFebruary - AprilMay – June Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices & employer- mentors interview & rank apprenticeships. “Free trial” for all matches. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. Reflect on apprenticeship takeaways. Plan for summer employment & post-secondary goals. Match Month Apprentice Reflect & Plan Workplace Prep Student Selection September Bulkeley Juniors apply to program and are selected as Jr. Apprentices APPRENTICE JR.
October - DecemberJanuaryFebruary - AprilMay – June Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices & employer- mentors interview & rank apprenticeships. “Free trial” for all matches. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. Reflect on apprenticeship takeaways. Plan for summer employment & post-secondary goals. Match Month Apprentice Reflect & Plan Workplace Prep Student Selection September Bulkeley Juniors apply to program and are selected as Jr. Apprentices Program Timeline How does this work?
October - DecemberJanuaryFebruary - AprilMay – June Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices & employer- mentors interview & rank apprenticeships. “Free trial” for all matches. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. Reflect on apprenticeship takeaways. Plan for summer employment & post-secondary goals. Match Month Apprentice Reflect & Plan Workplace Prep Student Selection September Bulkeley Juniors apply to program and are selected as Jr. Apprentices Program Timeline
October - DecemberJanuaryFebruary - AprilMay – June Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices prepare to enter the workplace through a career readiness class. 1x/week. Jr. Apprentices & employer- mentors interview & rank apprenticeships. “Free trial” for all matches. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. 3-6 hour/week apprenticeship at workplace. Career readiness class continues. Reflect on apprenticeship takeaways. Plan for summer employment & post-secondary goals. Match Month Apprentice Reflect & Plan Workplace Prep Student Selection September Bulkeley Juniors apply to program and are selected as Jr. Apprentices