Learning and teaching styles David Taylor
theoriesstyles communityhow Learning
Theories cognitive Social cognitive humanist constructivistbehaviourist Skinner Knowles Maslow Piaget Bandura Vygostsky
Theories cognitive Social cognitive humanist constructivist behaviourist Information processing produces a change in structure Experience constructs meaning Interaction with others produces new roles and behaviours Developmental needs produce self- actualisation and autonomy Stimulus produces a response
Theories Cognitive D Social cognitive E Humanist C constructivist A Behaviourist B Information processing produces a change in structure Experience constructs meaning Interaction with others produces new roles and behaviours Developmental needs produce self- actualisation and autonomy Stimulus produces a response
styles type stage Perry Belenky Entwistle
styles Entwistle Belenky Perry multiplicity relativity duality surface deep constructed procedural received silent strategic subjective
Entwistle surface deep strategic A B D C E You?
Taylor and Hamdy 2013 Reflect and observe Develop new concepts Experiment or articulate Existing knowledge Reflect organise Reflect Consolidate Elaboration Refinement Start here Dissonance Task ResourcesMotivation Stage of Development Learning style FB
boundaries becoming community Bordieu Bernstein Land Wenger
theoriesstyles communityhow Learning