AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 EURESCOM Project P916 Supporting of H.323 by IN
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Rationale Growth in voice over IP traffic is expected There will be a need to provide IN services to H.323 users Phone network operators have substantial investments in IN technology Interworking between IN and H.323 is needed
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Goals Seamless service offering over an hybrid environment composed of SCN and IP networks Same perception of the service by the user on both types of networks Evolution path for current IN software and hardware : reuse of IN concepts and models
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Architecture SCNIP network SCF SG GK H.323 EP SSF CCF INAP P916 H.323 MG MGCSG ISUP
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Technical approach Control of a Gatekeeper by a SCP for IN services Adaptation of IN models and protocols to H.323 based calls Same call and connection models hiding the differences in access and transfer techniques from the service logic programs Same Basic Call State Model (BCSM)
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 H.323 protocols H.323 call control protocol is based on Q.931 (DSS1) similarity between SCN and H.323 call control signalling permits reuse of IN principles and models
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Project Tasks (1) Task 1 Dissemination of results –Through standards organizations and international forums: TIPHON, ITU-T SG11,... Task 2 Transport of INAP over an IP stack –IP transport used between SCP and Gatekeeper –need for an adaptation layer between TCAP and IP (TCAP assumes reliable in-sequence delivery of messages)
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Project Tasks (2) Task 3 Accessing IN functionality for H.323 telephony calls –Focused on telephony only –Mapping of IN CS-2 operations to an H.323 environment –Straightforward for event-related operations and operations which do not manipulate the topology of connections –More work is required for operations which modify the connections (add/drop party, manipulate legs)
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Project Tasks (3) Task 4 Impact of H.323 on IN call models –Study evolutions to IN models and concepts for support of H.323 multimedia communications –Separation of call and bearer is natural in H.323 (H.225.0/H.245) and must be incorporated into IN models –Alternative approach based on APIs is also considered
AIMS’99 Workshop Heidelberg, May 1999 Timeframe Start of the project: 23 February 1999 Output of Task 2: September 1999 Output of Task 3: February 2000 Output of Task 4: September 2000