Early Moving Pictures
Shadow Puppets
Camera Obscura
Camera = Latin for “room” Obscura = Latin for “dark”
Magic Lantern 1644
1) Chimney - provides an updraft for oil burning illuminants 2) Slot for slides - placed between the illuminant and a focus lens 3) Focus Knob 4) Focus lenses - n early lanterns 1 lens was used later 3 were introduced. 5) Door - djustments to the illuminants were made through here 6) Inspection window usually fitted with tinted glass to avoid glare 7) Carrying rail usually made of brass.
Magic Lanterns
Panoramas & Dioramas Robert Barker ( ) A new form of entertainment was shown in 1787
Eadweard Muybridge ( )
Persistence of Vision Thaumatrope
Phenakistoscope s
Zoetrope Wheel of Life Each slit acts as a shutter
World’s First Photo Nicephore Niepce’s bedroom window
Louis Daguerre ( )
Behold the portrait - day by day I’ve seen its features die; First the moustache goes away, Then the whiskers fly.
Stereoptic Viewers (1850)
Praxinoscope Patented 1867
William Henry Fox Talbot ( ) Invented the negative (tracing paper soaked in chemicals)
Kinetoscope Patented by Thomas Edison used 35 mm filmstrips
Lumiere Brothers Paris Short films of everyday life
Westinghouse Works
New York
San Francisco Earthquake 1906
Birth of Cinema
Le Voyage Dans la Lune Special Effects
Mutoscope 1895
Edwin S. Porter
Flipbook - Kinagora