CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 1 Using, Understanding, Updating, Designing and Implementing Classes l Chapters 5 (5.4) and partially 6 and 7 ä in Chapter 6, up to ä in Chapter 7 concepts of 7.1 and 7.2 are explained, but different examples are given l Robot class implementation details
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 2 An Overview of Object Oriented (OO) Programming l In OO programming Data and Functions for a specific concept combined together ä called a “class” gives the general definition ä provides reusability change the values of data and you end up with different objects with the same functionality ä can be used by several applications
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 3 An Overview of Object Oriented (OO) Programming l An example without OO programming - Calendar display program ä needs several utilities leap year check day of week function … day day of week month MonthName leap year year Data Functions... l Is this structure complex? ä for some yes, for some no
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 4 An Overview of Object Oriented (OO) Programming l OO version - Calendar display program ä Date concept is developed as a class data and functions combined together from the point of view of programmer l Did you like this? ä for some yes, for some no l OO approach is more suitable for a human being ä human cognition is mostly based on objects Data Functions Day of the week Month name …
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 5 Using classes (Section 5.4) l Another way of looking at OO programming ä Using only string, int, and double limits the kinds of programs we can write (games, calendars, …) ä why don’t we have off-the-shelf components for programming? l Using object-oriented techniques means we develop new types that correspond to the real-world objects we’re writing code for ä for example an online roulette game ä another example: checker game, pişti ä some write for us and we use them off-the-shelf components l New types are called classes, variables are called objects l User defined classes ä Tapestry Classes: classes written by Owen Astrachan (author of our book) for educational and practical purposes BigInt and other classes (like Date and Dice) that we will see ä Robot Class is not a Tapestry class, but it is a user-defined one
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 6 The class Date The class Date is accessible to client programmers #include " date.h " to get access to the class The compiler needs this information. It may also contain documentation for the programmer Link the implementation which in date.cpp Add this cpp to your project The class Date models a calendar date: Month, day, and year make up the state of a Date object Date s can be printed, compared to each other, day-of- week determined, # days in month determined, many other behaviors Behaviors are called methods or member functions
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 7 Constructing Date objects – see usedate.cpp Date today; Date republic(10,29,1923); Date million( ); Date y2k(1,1,2000); cout << "today: " << today << endl; cout << "Republic of Turkey has been founded on: " << republic << endl; cout << "millionth day: " << million << endl; OUTPUT today: November Republic of Turkey has been founded on: October millionth day: November
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 8 Constructing/defining an object Date objects (as all other objects) are constructed when they’re first defined Three ways to construct a Date default constructor, no params, initialized to today’s date single long int parameter, number of days from January 1, 1 three params: month, day, year (in this order). Constructors for Date objects look like function calls ä constructor is special member function ä Different parameter lists mean different constructors Once constructed, there are many ways to manipulate a Date Increment it using ++, subtract an integer from it using -, print it using cout, … MonthName(), DayName(), DaysIn(), … l See date.h for more info on date constructors and member functions
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 9 Date Member Functions Date MidtermExam(11,22,2008); Construct a Date object given month, day, year MidtermExam.DayName() ä Returns the name of the day (“Saturday” or “Sunday”, or...) in this particular case, returns “Saturday” since November 22, 2008 is a Saturday MidtermExam.DaysIn() ä Returns the number of days in the particular month in our case return 30, since November 2008 has 30 days in it l Add, subtract, increment, decrement days from a date Date GradesDue = MidtermExam + 7; ä GradesDue is November 29, 2008 l Let’s see usedate.cpp in full and datedemo.cpp now
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 10 Example: Father’s day (not in book) l Father’s day is the third Sunday of June ä write a function that returns the date for the father’s day of a given year which is the parameter of the function ä In main, input two years and display father’s days between those years Date fathersday(int year) // post: returns fathers day of year { Date d(6,1,year); // June 1 while (d.DayName() != "Sunday") { d += 1; } // d is now the first Sunday, third is 14 days later return d + 14; } l See fathersday.cpp for full program
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 11 What if there were no date class? l It would be very cumbersome to deal with dates without a date class ä imagine banking applications where each transaction has associated date fields l Classes simplify programming ä they are designed and tested. ä then they can be used by programmers l You are lucky if you can find ready-to-use classes for your needs ä otherwise ???
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 12 The class Dice l Computer simulated dice ä not real dice, but have same functionality random number between 1 and number of sides ä in this class, we can have dice objects with any number of sides Accessible to client programmers using #include " dice.h " ä Why are quotes used instead of angle brackets ? l Dice objects will work as pseudo-random number generators ä Not truly random in a strict mathematical sense ä Still useful to introduce randomness into programs
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 13 The class Dice l A small class ä better to show basic implementation details on a small example l State ä number of sides ä roll count l Member functions Dice(int sides); // constructor – constructs a die with given number of sides int Roll(); // return the random roll int NumSides() const; // how many sides int NumRolls() const; // # of times this die rolled
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 14 Using the class Dice cout << "rolling " << cube.NumSides() << " sided die" << endl; cout << cube.Roll() << endl; cout << "rolled " << cube.NumRolls() << " times" << endl; member functions Dice cube(6); // construct six-sided die Dice dodeca(12); // construct twelve-sided die See roll.cpp for full program constructor
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 15 What you can and cannot do with Dice l Cannot define a Dice object without specifying # sides ä Not a bug, just a design decision ä You may modify the class implementation to have a default constructor (we will see how to modify classes later in this ppt) Dice d(2); // ok, like a coin Dice cube; // NOT ok, won’t compile How random is a Dice object – how can we test this? ä Calculate number of rolls needed to obtain a target sum repeat this several times and find the average in order to approach to the expected value ä repeat for all target values between 2 and 12 using two 6-sided dice ä Any expectations? Needs probability knowledge. ä See testdice.cpp
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 16 Classes: From Use to Implementation (Chapter 6.1) l We’ve used several classes ä A class is a collection of objects sharing similar characteristics A class is a type in C++, like int, bool, double ä A class encapsulates state and behavior string (this is a standard class), needs #include ä Objects: " hello ", " there are no frogs ", … Methods: substr(…), length(…), find(…), operators such as + and << Date needs #include " date.h " ä Objects: December 7, 1949, November 22, 1963 Some Methods: MonthName(), DaysIn(), operator - etc.
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 17 State and Behavior l Behavior of a class is what a class does ä described in verbs babies eat, cry dice are rolled ä In OO programming terminology, behaviors are defined by public member functions for Dice class, member functions are the Dice constructor, NumRolls(), NumSides() and Roll() l State of a class depends on physical properties ä cats have four legs, different eye colors ä dice have a number of sides ä In OO programming, State is defined by private data in the header file also called member data, instance variables, or data fields for Dice class, mySides and myRollCount (see dice.h)
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 18 Objects l An object is an instance of a class l When created, in memory a set of private data members are allocated and initialized according to the constructor function ä In other words, each object has a different state l However, objects share member function implementations ä The same function name is used on all objects of the same class l When a member function is called on an object, that object’s private data members are accessed and/or modified
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 19 Anatomy of the Dice class The class Dice ä Objects: six-sided dice, 32-sided dice, one-sided dice Methods: Roll(), NumSides(), NumRolls() l A Dice object has state and behavior ä Each object has its own state, just like each int has its own value Number of times rolled, number of sides l All objects in a class share method (member function) implementations, but access their own state How to respond to NumRolls()? Return my own # rolls
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 20 The header file dice.h need #include " dice.h " in order to use the dice class class Dice { public: Dice(int sides); // constructor int Roll(); // return the random roll int NumSides() const; // how many sides int NumRolls() const; // # times this die rolled private: int myRollCount; // # times die rolled int mySides; // # sides on die }; The compiler reads this header file to know what’s in a Dice object Each Dice object has its own mySides and myRollCount ä generally initialized by the constructor function
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 21 The header file is a class declaration l Private data are called instance variables (a.k.a. Private data members) ä each object has its own private data l Public functions are called methods, member functions, these are called by client programs ä All objects of a particular class share the method implementations l The header file is an interface, not an implementation ä Description of behavior, analogy to DVD player Do you know how DVD player operates? You do not mind, just press the button (interface) and watch! ä Square root button, how does it calculate? Do you care? l Header file provides information to compiler and to programmers ä Compiler determines what methods/member functions can be called for the objects of a class ä Programmer reads header file to determine what methods are available, how to use them, and other information about the class
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 22 What to know? l Client programmer (programmer who uses the classes) needs to know the interface from the header file ä public member functions and constructors Parameters, how they behave ä does not need to know private data (instance variables) ä does not need to know how the member functions are implemented just need to know where (in which file) it is implemented in order to include the implementation file in the project l As a good programmer who will design and/or update classes, YOU may need to know about the class implementations
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 23 From interface to use, the class Dice #include "dice.h" int main() { Dice cube(6); Dice dodeca(12); cout << cube.Roll(); int k; for(k=0; k < 6; k++) { cout << dodeca.Roll(); } return 0; } Objects constructed 0 myRollCount mySides 6 cube 0 myRollCount mySides 12 dodeca Method invoked 1 myRollCount mySides 6 cube After for loop 6 myRollCount mySides 12 dodeca
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 24 From Interface to Implementation l The header file provides compiler and programmer information about how to use a class, but no information about how the class is implemented ä Important separation of concerns use without complete understanding of implementation l Implementation file is a cpp file with no main function ä member function and constructor bodies are given sometimes some other functions are also given
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 25 Implementation: the.cpp file l In the implementation file we see all member functions written, similar idea as the functions we’ve seen so far ä Each function has name, parameter list, and return type ä A member function’s name includes its class name return_type class_name :: function_name (parameters) ä A constructor is a special member function for initializing an object, constructors have no return type class_name :: class_name (parameters) :: is the scope resolution operator specifies the class of the function l Each method can access private data members of an object (the object on which this member function will operate) ä In this way, at each invocation, member function may access different objects’ private data cube.NumSides() compared to dodeca.NumSides() ä dot operator. is used when a member function is called
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 26 dice.cpp (Implementation file) – 1/2 Dice::Dice(int sides) // postcondition: all private fields initialized { myRollCount = 0; mySides = sides; } int Dice::NumSides() const // postcondition: return # of sides of die { return mySides; } Constructor
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 27 dice.cpp (Implementation file) – 2/2 int Dice::NumRolls() const // postcondition: return # of times die has been rolled { return myRollCount; } int Dice::Roll() // postcondition: number of rolls updated // random 'die' roll returned { RandGen gen; // random number generator myRollCount= myRollCount + 1; // update # of rolls return gen.RandInt(1,mySides); // in range [1..mySides] }
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 28 Understanding Class Implementations l Private data members are global such that they are accessible by all class member functions e.g. in the implementation of Roll function, mySides and myRollCount are not defined, but used
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 29 Understanding Class Implementations l Constructors should assign values to each instance variable ä this is what construction is ä not a rule, but a general programming style
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 30 Understanding Class Implementations l Methods (member functions) can be broadly categorized as accessors or mutators ä Accessor methods may access information about an object but do not change the state (private data members) Dice::NumRolls() and Dice::NumSides() are accessor methods since they do not change the private data members ä Mutator methods change the state of an object Dice::Roll(), since it changes an object’s myRollCount
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 31 Class Implementation Heuristics l All data should be private ä Provide accessor and mutator member functions as needed Make accessor functions const by putting const after all parameters in both class definition (header file) and class implementation A const function cannot modify the state of an object precaution against poor implementations compilers do not allow to update private data in const functions int Dice::NumSides() const // postcondition: return # of sides of die { return mySides; }
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 32 Updating a Class (not in book) l Suppose you want to add more functionality to the date class ä need to change the header file (date.h) ä need to add implementation of new function(s) to date.cpp l Example: a new member function to calculate and return the remaining number of days in the object’s month ä any ideas? do you think it is too difficult? ä have a look at the existing member functions and see if they are useful for you
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 33 Updating a Class (not in book) We can make use of DaysIn member function l Prototype in Date class (add to the header file) int Date::RemainingDays () const; l Implementation int Date::RemainingDays () const { return DaysIn() - myDay; } l In a member function implementation private data and other member functions referred without the dot operator. ä They operate on the object for which the member function is called
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 34 Updating a Class (not in book) Example use of RemainingDays Date today; cout << "There are " << today.RemainingDays() << " days left in the current month" << endl; l See date_modified.h, date_modified.cpp and demodatemodified.cpp When RemainingDays is called, call to DaysIn is for object today since it is the object on which RemainingDays is called myDay is today ’s myDay since it is the object on which RemainingDays is called
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 35 RandGen Class l A Tapestry class for random number generation l Add randgen.cpp to your project and have #include "randgen.h" in your program l Four member functions int RandInt(int max = INT_MAX); returns a random integer in [0..max) int RandInt(int low, int max); returns a random integer in [low..max] double RandReal(); returns a random double value in [0..1) double RandReal(double low, double max); ä returns a random double value in the range of [low..max] l see numberguess.cpp for an example program that use RandGen
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 36 Overloading In RandGen class, there are two different functions named RandInt so as RandReal l Using the same name for more than one function is called overloading. ä They are differentiated by parameter types and/or return types. l All member and free functions can be overloaded.
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 37 Implementation of Robot Class - 1 l Your next homework will be about updating the Robot class ä you will add some member functions that requires to deal with robots.h and robots.cpp files (actually in the homework, you will use an updated class for which the file names are robots_modified.h and robots_modified.cpp) ä and you use those newly added functions in an application l It is a good idea to have a look at how this class is implemented ä It is designed and implemented by Ersin Karabudak I have made some changes later l Robot class implementation is quite complex ä Robot, RobotWindow and RobotWorld are different structures we will not deal with RobotWindow and RobotWorld, but the implementation file contains robot class implementation and the details of RobotWindow and RobotWorld too. Do not get confused. ä Robots are maintained as a circular doubly linked list it is a data structure that uses pointers (probably will see in CS202) but do not get thrilled! you will not need those complex structures for the member functions that you will add. l Some details you have to know will be given now and more details will be given in recitations this week
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 38 Implementation of Robot Class - 2 enum Direction { east, west, north, south }; enum Color { white, yellow, red, blue, green, purple, pink, orange }; class Robot { public: Robot (int x, int y, Direction dir = east, int things = 0); ~Robot (); void Move (int distance = 1); bool Blocked (); void TurnRight (); bool PickThing (); bool PutThing (); void SetColor (Color color); bool FacingEast (); bool FacingWall (); bool CellEmpty (); bool BagEmpty (); constructor Destructor (not needed in HW5) member functions continued on the next slide
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 39 Implementation of Robot Class - 3 private: int xPos; //x coordinate of the location of robot int yPos; //y coordinate of the location of robot Direction direction; //current direction of robot Color color; //current color of robot int bag; //current # of things in the bag of robot bool stalled; //true if the robot is dead bool visible; //true if the robot is visible Robot *next; Robot *prev; static Robot *list; friend struct RobotWindow; }; Private Data pointers for the data structure you will not need them RobotWindow may refer Robot’s private data
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 40 Implementation of Robot Class - 4 l Previous two slides were in the robots.h (now robots_modified.h). l Now let’s go over the robots.cpp (now robots_modified.cpp) file in VC++ environment l In the next homework, you are going to add one private data member and 10 member functions to the robot class ä 3 of the member functions will be done in recitations this week l Hints for the next homework (to be assigned this week) ä try to use currently available member functions e.g. for PickAll, try to use PickThing in a loop rather than writing some thing similar to PickThing ä do not hesitate to modify or access private data members when needed e.g. you will need such an update for Turn function ä if you change the state of a robot within the current cell, use the following to update the window theRobotWindow->Redraw(this);
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 41 Implementation of Robot Class - 5 l Hints for the next homework (cont’d) you will need to use the function called IsPressed defined in miniFW.h (it is going to be renamed as miniFW_modified.h) so include this header file to your main program file this function ( IsPressed ) is to check whether a key (e.g. an arrow key) is pressed or not - details are in recitations l Some other changes in the Robot World and Robot Class ä If a robot hits another robot, both die! ä No automatic message is displayed when a robot dies ä Now the bag content is written in robots (if not zero) l Use robots_modified.h, robots_modified.cpp, miniFW_modified.h and miniFW_modified.cpp files in HW5 ä They will be provided to you in the homework and/or recitation package
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 42 Design Heuristics l What is an heuristic? ä a set of guidelines and policies may not be perfect, but mostly useful exceptions are possible ä e.g. making all state data private is an heuristic ä we will see two more class design heuristics cohesion and coupling l Make each function or class you write as single-purpose as possible ä Avoid functions that do more than one thing, such as reading numbers and calculating an average, standard deviation, maximal number, etc., If source of numbers changes how do we do statistics? If we want only the average, what do we do? ä Classes should embody one concept, not several. ä This heuristic is called Cohesion. Functions (both member and free functions) and classes should be cohesive, doing one thing rather than several things. Easier to re-use in multiple contexts and several applications
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 43 Design Heuristics continued (Coupling) l Coupling: interactions among functions and classes l Functions and classes must interact to be useful ä One function calls another One class uses another, e.g., as the Dice::Roll() function uses the class RandGen l Keep interactions minimal so that classes and functions don’t rely too heavily on each other: it is better if we can change one class or function (to make it more efficient, for example) without changing all the code that uses it l Some coupling is necessary for functions/classes to communicate, but keep coupling loose and be aware of them
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 44 Designing classes from scratch l Chapter 7 (especially 7.1 and 7.2) ä a good development strategy “iterative enhancement” approach ä READ those sections, you are responsible we won’t cover all, because it takes too much time and becomes boring! ä I will give a simpler class design example here less iterative but similar application
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 45 Implementing Classes – Iterative Enhancement l It is difficult to determine what classes are needed, how they should be implemented, which functions are required ä Experience is a good teacher, failure is also a good teacher Good design comes from experience, experience comes from bad design ä Design and implementation combine into a cyclical process: design, implement, re-visit design, re-implement, test, redesign, … Grow a working program, don’t do everything at the same time
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 46 Design and Implementation Heuristics l A design methodology says that “look for nouns, those are classes”, and then “look for verbs and scenarios, those are member functions” l Not every noun is a class, not every verb is a member function ä some functions will be free ones or will be implemented in main (these are design decisions) l Concentrate on behavior (member functions) first when designing classes, then on state (private part) ä private data will show its necessity during the implementation of the public part
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 47 Example class design l Quiz class ä simple quiz of addition questions l Scenarios ä user is asked a number of questions ä computer asks random questions ä user enters his/her answer correct / not correct feedback and correct answer are displayed ä correct answers are counted l There may be two classes ä question ä quiz l but I will have one class which is for question and implement quiz in main ä Be careful! This example is similar but different than the one in book (Sections 7.1 and 7.2)
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 48 Question class l Question behaviors (verbs). A question is ä created ä asked ä answered ä checked l These are candidate member functions ä more? less? we will see l A question is simply two random integers (to keep it simple say between 1 and 100) to be added ä those numbers are definitely in class private data ä what else? we will see
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 49 Question class l simplemathquest.h (first draft) class Question { public: Question(); // create a random question void Ask() const; // ask the question to user int GetAnswer() const; //input and return user answer bool IsCorrect (int answer) const; //check if correct private: int myNum1; // numbers used in question int myNum2; };
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 50 Quiz program (main - simplequiz.cpp) – Draft 1 int qNum = PromptRange("how many questions: ",1,5); int k, ans, score =0; for(k=0; k < qNum; k++) { Question q; q.Ask(); ans = q.GetAnswer(); if (q.IsCorrect(ans)) { cout << ans << " correct answer" << endl << endl; score++; } else { cout << "Sorry, not correct. Correct answer was " << ???????? << endl << endl; } } cout << "Score is " << score << " out of " << qNum << " = " << double(score)/qNum * 100 << "%" << endl; l Something missing: a function to return the correct result
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 51 Question class l simplemathquest.h (second draft) class Question { public: Question(); // create a random question void Ask() const; // ask the question to user int GetAnswer() const; //input and return user answer bool IsCorrect(int answer) const; //check if correct int CorrectAnswer() const; //return the correct answer private: int myNum1; // numbers used in question int myNum2; };
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 52 Quiz program (simplequiz.cpp) – Draft 2 int qNum = PromptRange("how many questions: ",1,5); int k, ans, score =0; for(k=0; k < qNum; k++) { Question q; q.Ask(); ans = q.GetAnswer(); if (q.IsCorrect(ans)) { cout << ans << " correct answer" << endl << endl; score++; } else { cout << "Sorry, not correct. Correct answer was " << q.CorrectAnswer() << endl << endl; } cout << "Score is " << score << " out of " << qNum << " = " << double(score)/qNum * 100 << "%" << endl;
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 53 Question class implementation l simplemathquest.cpp (draft 1) void Question::Ask() const { cout << myNum1 << " + " << myNum2 << " = "; } Question::Question() { RandGen gen; myNum1 = gen.RandInt(1,100); myNum2 = gen.RandInt(1,100); } constructor int Question::GetAnswer() const { int ans; cin >> ans; return ans; } Ooops! We did not access or modify the object’s state. It is better not to have this function as a member function
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 54 Question class implementation l simplemathquest.cpp (draft 1) - continued l Problem: Where is the correct answer stored? ä a new private data field would be good bool Question::IsCorrect(int answer) const { return ?????? == answer; } int Question::CorrectAnswer() const { return ??????; }
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 55 Question class l simplemathquest.h (final) class Question { public: Question(); // create a random question void Ask() const; // ask the question to user bool IsCorrect(int answer) const; //check if correct int CorrectAnswer() const; //return the correct answer private: int myNum1; // numbers used in question int myNum2; int myAnswer; // store the answer }; int GetAnswer() const; //input and return user answer
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 56 Question class implementation l simplemathquest.cpp (final) Question::Question() { RandGen gen; myNum1 = gen.RandInt(1,100); myNum2 = gen.RandInt(1,100); myAnswer = myNum1 + myNum2; } void Question::Ask() const { cout << myNum1 << " + " << myNum2 << " = "; } int Question::GetAnswer() const { int ans; cin >> ans; return ans; }
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 57 Question class implementation l simplemathquest.cpp (final) - continued bool Question::IsCorrect(int answer) const { return myAnswer == answer; } int Question::CorrectAnswer() const { return myAnswer; }
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 58 Quiz program (simplequiz.cpp) – Final int qNum = PromptRange("how many questions: ",1,5); int k, ans, score =0; for(k=0; k < qNum; k++) { Question q; q.Ask(); cin >> ans; if (q.IsCorrect(ans)) { cout << ans << " correct answer" << endl << endl; score++; } else { cout << "Sorry, not correct. Correct answer was " << q.CorrectAnswer() << endl << endl; } cout << "Score is " << score << " out of " << qNum << " = " << double(score)/qNum * 100 << "%" << endl;
CS201 – Introduction to Computing – Sabancı University 59 Thinking further l What about a generic question class ä not only addition, but also other arithmetic operations may need another private data member for the operation that is also useful to display the sign of operation in Ask may need parameter in the constructor (for question type) will do this week in recitations l What about questions for which answers are strings? ä maybe our generic question class should have string type answers to serve not only to arithmetic questions but any type of questions see Sections 7.1 and 7.2