TOURS TO THE MIDDLE EAST Making Memories for a Lifetime
Hone Been owner for eight years. Guided tours more then 30 times. College degree in Travel and Tourism Minor in Middle East Studies Speaks fluent Arabic and Hebrew.
TelAviv Principle port of Palestine Home for many Zionist settlers Built in 1909 Located on a beach along Mediterranean Has pizza shops, nightclubs, and more.
OldJeru Spiritual for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity Holy city for over 3,000 years One of the oldest Continuously inhabited cities in the world.
Galilee Located in southern Israel. Center of fertile hills and valleys. Also called Lake Tiberius. And Sea of Kinneret. 13 miles long. 7.5 miles wide.
Masada In southern Israel Near shores of the Dead Sea. Natural fortress 1,300 feet high. Summit is a plateau 1,900 feet long and 650 wide Most heroic events in Jewish history
Giza Suburb of Cair. Pyramids were tombs. For Egyptian pharaohs and their queens. Sphinx of Giza is a guardian. Also a symbol of royalty.