Culture and Tourism, UDG
From idea to realization The first conversation started – idea about double degree. Curriculum School Tourism and Culture, UDG was launched on School Tourism and Culture, UDG was accredited June, Ideas that stay on the paper do not have values. Realization of the ideas enable them to flourish.
Concept 1.Sustainable or responsible tourism development 2.Tourism as a tool for valorization natural and cultural heritage. 3.Understanding and protecting the value of culture for development of the society. 4.Ability to implement ICT tools in order to co-create tourism and cultural products for the future. 5.Critical thinking and reflection 6.Participatory innovations 7.Work based learning 8.Including research in education practice 9.Fun based learning 10.Team work – co-creating networks.
Values 1.Mutuality and ethical behavior 2.Knowledge sharing 3.Knowledge co-creating 4.Responsibility 5.Realization
Culture and Tourism, UDG, 1st generation