Hercules Operators Council (HOC) Presentation Guidelines and Template Presenter’s Name Company / Organization Contact Information (Phone, Fax, )
Content Slides Slide format cannot be modified without prior approval of HOC Presentation Coordinator –Slides MUST utilize the white background color, font color, font size, bullet format, and HOC logo in upper left corner as illustrated in these guidelines –If desired, your company/organization logo may be placed in the upper right corner of the slides in lieu of the Lockheed Martin star –Other slide layouts may be used as needed to accommodate graphics, photos, tables, etc., but colors and font sizes MUST conform to the guidelines illustrated in this template
Photo Slides Photo slides may be used as needed
Time Table All presenters are requested to notify Cassie Rogers via at with their proposed topic and a short summary by 1 September All preliminary presentations must be received by 15 September 2014 Once advised of presentation review committee approval, all final presentations must be received by 1 October 2014
Submittal Procedure Please submit presentations in Power Point format to: Large presentation files may be submitted in Power Point format on CD to: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Attn: Cassie Rogers 86 South Cobb Drive Dept. 3B2M, Zone 0586 Marietta, GA
Presentations Posted to Website After HOC In lieu of providing paper or DVD copies, all HOC presentations will be posted to the Lockheed Martin web site below a few weeks following the HOC. If your presentation contains proprietary data or information that you do not wish published, copied, or redistributed, it will be your responsibility to disclose that fact at the time of presentation submittal.
HOC Contacts HOC Coordinator –Belinda Taylor Tel: , Fax: HOC Presentation/Calendar Coordinator –Cassie Rogers Tel: , Fax: