Lead Teach Learn PLC Fundamental III: Climate and Engagement
Learning Intentions Review LTL PLC structure and expectations Revisit/prioritize needs assessment Share and collaborate on artifacts and exemplars Explore some new content together
More Alike Than Different
Get out your phone Stand up Find a person you do not know One partner find a picture on phone The other partner will try to match. Keep looking for pictures until you find a match Share about your photos When instructed, find a new partner
Overview – Professional Learning Community structure Icebreaker Review QR feedback Examine, discuss artifacts and data from homework on specified elements Check in on work done at sites Explore new content/learn together Assign next round of HW/QR survey – Facilitated Conversations of Position and Expectation Statements – Aligned with Blue Fridays and Pink Wednesdays
PLC Outcomes How will this PLC translate to my site? IS receive aligned content at Blue Friday Pink Wednesday should focus on Climate & Engagement in collaboration with your IS Data driven process Accountability—how do we account for this work? How do we move toward intentionality?
Fundamental III: Climate and Engagement A.Position Statement: School staff use relevant student behavior and school climate data when making decisions within the continuum of service. B.Expectations: Positive relationships are built with ALL students. Knowledge of student backgrounds and interests drives positive engagement strategies and relevance of class work and homework assignments. Within the PLC structure, teachers will explore the associations between behavioral indicators and academic achievement. Reinforcing positive behavior is exhausted before the use of office referrals and other disciplinary strategies that limit access to instruction. Schools implement PBIS and SEL framework, and monitor effectiveness through MTSS process. Schools track and monitor student behavior data through IC. Teachers intentionally work toward developing common cultural connections around language for more effective instructional and learning opportunities in and outside of the classroom. Press Play
Working Agreements* Ask questions. Engage fully. Integrate new information. Open your mind to diverse views. Utilize what you learn. How do we hold each other accountable? *Taken from LearningForward.org
Review QR Data Next steps – We used your feedback from last LTL PLC to make changes
Revisiting needs assessment Take a few minutes with your group to discuss and prioritize the responses that the groups came up with last time Rank your top three Share out your #1 Priorities will help drive content in this PLC
What steps have you taken since our last meeting? Take a few minutes in your group to discuss – What work has been done (Pink Wednesday, new systems, incentives, programs, etc.) – How have you included Climate and Engagement in your SPP? – How have you used your school profile discipline data?
Climate and Engagement Expectations Expectation 1: Positive relationships are built with every students – Discussion/Data/Artifacts Expectation 2: Knowledge of student backgrounds and interests should drive positive engagement strategies and relevance of class work and homework assignments. – Discussion/Data/Artifacts
Article Read “Resiliency Skills and Dropout Prevention” Discussion-how does this connect to expectations #1 and #2 What is more important to focus on: factors out of our control or “alterable school factors” (p.4) Why? How are you currently implementing the six elements mentioned on p.4? Are these important at all levels? How might we purposefully implement these elements at our sites?
Did we accomplish our Learning Intentions? Review LTL PLC structure and expectations Revisit/prioritize needs assessment Share and collaborate on artifacts and exemplars Explore some new content together
Closure For next time… Expectation 3: Within the PLC structure, teachers will explore the associations between behavioral indicators and academic achievement. Expectation 4: Reinforcing positive behavior is exhausted before the use of office referrals and other disciplinary strategies that limit access to instruction. Also bring your SCHOOL DATA PROFILE – Think Climate and Engagement data collection What artifact / data / information do you want to discuss with your colleagues? PLC* - Share your Professional Learning Commitment* Session Evaluation