A Good Start In Life. Презентация для использования на уроке английского языка в 10 классе. Подготовлено Додоновой В. А.
Read and learn the tongue – twister: If many men knew What many men know, If many men went Where many men go, If many men did What many men do, The world would be better – I think so, don’t you/
Do you know that… GCSE -A school examination in many subjects for General Certificate of Secondary Education.
A-star grade - The highest possible mark in a GCSE exam. Do you know that…
A- level examinations - Advanced level examinations in the British education system. Do you know that…
Comprehensive school - A school for pupils over the age of 11, which teaches children of all abilities. Do you know that…
Find the word or phrase in the article, which means the same as the following: To distract from To carry on Unacceptable Prohibited Rebellious To draw away from To continue Improper Forbade Hard to control
Endangered After a quarrel The lower part of an ear To take exams Put at risk After having a row Earlobe To sit one’s exams Find the word or phrase in the article, which means the same as the following: