The First Student Visit YOUTH FOR UNDERSTANDING The First Student Visit Getting Off to a Good Start! Thank you to Madeleine Henderson, a volunteer in the Northeast District, for developing this training session.
The First Student Visit Help make your repping easier and more rewarding Help your students shape a successful adjustment Begin a mutually-beneficial relationship with your student A successful First Visit can
The First Student Visit What is a good Student-Area Rep relationship? How can we make a good start?
The First Student Visit Where and When? A relaxed place A private space Don’t be rushed
The First Student Visit How do you set a relaxed tone? Tell a little about yourself Tell why you chose to be an Area Rep Ask about the student’s natural family – siblings? Not too personal – avoid putting them on the spot Show empathy – be a good listener.
The First Student Visit Exchange is hard. A successful exchange requires courage and sustained effort.
The First Student Visit Do you have friends who have been/are YFU students? Where are they/where did they go? How did you get interested in YFU? Tell about this student group and this year’s activities Ask about home country orientation Are you using things that you learned at your orientation? What do you expect from your year? What are your concerns about the year? Possible Conversation Topics
The First Student Visit You also need to ask about: Money Did you bring cash? Did you talk with your parents about spending limits? How will you get money? Are you worried about having enough money? Do you know how to budget your money? Storage of Valuables Put cash in a safe place Copy your passport and put the passport in a safe place
The First Student Visit What I will do for you. What I expect from you. How we can work together. Ask: As you understand it, what is the role of an Area Rep?
The First Student Visit I want to be your advocate sounding board resource friend Help me be a good Area Rep too!
The First Student Visit What information do you need to convey at this 1 st meeting? Tips for adjustment in the Host Family Tips for adjustment in school Policy reminders
The First Student Visit Communicate…Communicate…Communicate (How Do You Do Things in Your Home?) Getting Started – Suggestions from YFU Students Making Friends – Ways to Get Started Tips for Adjustment in the Family You must invest in your year. Do not keep one foot in your home country.
The First Student Visit Tips for Adjustment at School Tips for Choosing Courses & School Activities Tips on Exchange Students’ Responsibility to schools
The First Student Visit Tips for General Adjustment First Visit Check List Welcome letter from previous student Your experience will be what YOU make of it. It’s an accumulation of all choices you make.
The First Student Visit Policy Reminders Passport to the USA (student handbook) Policy List Dangerous activities Travel policy and Permission to Travel Form Cell phone Computer and internet use
The First Student Visit Conclude Your First Visit Do you have questions? Keep these materials to read Provide your contact information (telephone and ) Schedule your next meeting or contact
The First Student Visit Your experience will be what YOU make it. It is an accumulation of all the choices you make.
The First Student Visit
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