Unlocking Opportunities for Arunachal’’s Rice Security A presentation by A.K.Purkayastha Director of Agriculture & Mission Director(NFSM-Rice)
Rice cultivation diversity In Arunachal
NFSM-Rice In unlocking opportunities for Arunachal’s Rice security, inclusion of the state under NFSM- Rice is a boon. Backdrop The state’s Rice production of 2.55 lakh MT is 64% of its requirement ie 36% deficit Out of ha area under Rice,90000 ha is under settled cultivation (irrigated+rainfed) ha area is under irrigated rice Present yield of Rice is 2064 kg ha -1 With anuual growth target of 8% in Rice, the deficit is expected to come down to 21% by and Rice security is anticipated to be achieved by 2020.
ARUNACHAL AGRICULTURE AT A GLANCE ( ) (Crop husbandry sector) Gross cropped area: ha Net cropped area: ha Area under Horticulture: ha %Area under irrigation: 25% %Area under chemical fertilizers: 19% %Area under agrochemical use: 17% Area under Organic practice: 81% **Area under Organic practice: 81% ** Total skilled manpower in the Dept.: 941 Soil Testing Lab(static): 5 Mobile Soil Testing Lab: 3 Bio Control Lab: 1 Seed Testing Lab: 1 SPTL: 1 Enriched compost centre: 2(400 MT capacity) Vermicompost centr: 2(100 MT capacity)
Crop Production target-XII Plan vis-à-vis X & XI Plan CROPSProduction (Lakh MT) X Plan end Production (Lakh MT) XI Plan end Production (Lakh MT) XII Plan end (Target) AGR(%) X Plan AGR(%) XI Plan AGR(%) XII Plan (Target) FOOD CROPS %2.9%6.7% OTHER CROPS %6.4%6.1% TOTAL CROPS %4.3%6.5% Annual Growth %(AGR) Other Crops include Oilseeds, Spices & condiments, Tubers & Rhizomatous, Vegetables, Sugarcane and other minor crops
Production (Lakh MT) 36%
FOOD SCENARIO FOOD SCENARIO Anticipated Rice & Total Food crops Requirement vs Production during XII PLAN in Arunachal Pradesh (in lakh MT) Anticipated RICE Requirement Production Deficit RICE+ Other food crops Requirement Production Deficit/Surplus Total Food crops means Rice, Coarse cereals & Pulses
District wise Action Plan (Demonstration & Seeds Dist) Sl. No ActivitiesPhysica l Traget Financia l Districts 01Cluster Demonstration E/Kameng -200, P/Pare-300 L/Subansiri-200, W/siang-250 E/siang-300, U/siang-200 L/D.valley-300 Lohit -250 Changlang-300 Tirap Dist. Of Hybrid Rice Seeds 1000 Qtl P/Pare-150,U/Subansiri-100 L/Subansiri-100, W/siang-100 E/siang-100, L/D.valley-100 Lohit -150 Changlang-150 Tirap Dist. of HYV Rice Seeds40000 Qtl Districts
Action taken so far Institutional arrangement : SNFSMEC & DNFSMEC constituted & Govt. notification issued State Action Plan : Approval of Action Plan for amounting Rs lakhs received. Strategy : I. Cluster demonstration - 10 districts II. Hybrid Rice - 09 districts III. HYV Rice - 17 districts Orientation : Ist state level Orientation Training held on 18 June’2012 at Naharlagun (Itanagar ). Attended by all DAOs/PD,ATMA and other District wise (area specific) action Plan finalized. Arrangement of inputs : Being arranged from recognized agencies & state govt.Seed farms Fund Routing Agency :Arunachal Pradesh Agriculture Marketing Board(APAMB)(Extension Reforms A/c)
Action taken so far District Action Plan:Ready Thrust Districts for cluster Demonstration (>5000 ha Rice area)-10 : Tirap,Changlang,Lohit, L/Dibang Valley,E/Siang, W/Siang, L/Subansiri, U/Siang Papumpare, E/Kameng Dist. Of Hybrid Seeds: Papumpare, L/Subansiri, U/Subansiri, L/DValley,E/Siang, W/Siang,Lohit,Tirap,Changlang Dist. Of HYV Seeds: All districts
Issues for consideration In the approved work plan, there is no provision of mobilization/contingency expenditure. Number of orientation training for Extension workers is essential to ensure a good start of the programme which necessarily involves substantial amount. Due to poor surface transport, transportation cost of inputs in the state involves huge cost even sometimes exceeding cost of inputs. In consideration of above, scheme execution & other miscellaneous expenses to the extent of 10% of overall allocation may be considered.
Awareness workshop NFSM guidelines printed and issued to implementing agencies Implementing agencies authorized to procure critical inputs from authorized inputs dealers/distributors Internal Monitoring system in place Reporting system through MIS to be followed