A Family Guide to Getting Involved With Correctional Education Trina Osher, M.A. President, Huff Osher Consulting, Inc.
2 Family Involvement Matters! “The evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have a major influence on their children’s achievement in school and through life.” (Henderson, A.T., & Mapp, K.L. (2002). A new wave of evidence: The impact of school, family, and community connections on student achievement. Austin, TX: National Center for Family & Community Connections with Schools, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 7). Getting involved with correctional education can be challenging for many families. Encouraging families to get involved can be challenging for facility and program staff.
3 NDTAC Has Tools to Help! Working With Families of Children in the Juvenile Justice and Corrections Systems: A Guide for Education Program Leaders, Principals, and Building Administrators Working With Families of Children in the Juvenile Justice and Corrections Systems: A Guide for Education Program Leaders, Principals, and Building Administrators Strategies staff at correctional education facilities and programs can use to increase family involvement Three-tier model for organizing efforts to engage families Facility Toolkit for Engaging Families in Their Child's Education at a Juvenile Justice Facility Facility Toolkit for Engaging Families in Their Child's Education at a Juvenile Justice Facility Tools for families Tools for facility staff Family Guide to Getting Involved in Your Child's Education at a Juvenile Justice Facility Family Guide to Getting Involved in Your Child's Education at a Juvenile Justice Facility Practical strategies for common situations
4 Three-Tier Model to Engage Families 4 Special efforts for a few families Intensive: 3rd Tier Additional supports to boost some families Additional supports to boost some families Selective: 2nd Tier Opportunities afforded to all families Opportunities afforded to all families Universal: 1st Tier
5 Facility Toolkit The Facility Toolkit includes: Information for facilities and stakeholders about how to use the Family Guide Customizable tools that can be used to help promote family participation in a student’s education Tools 1–5, including a Family Guide, sample letters, a tip sheet, and a questionnaire, are intended for distribution to students’ families. Tools 6–8, including a facility tip sheet and planning tool, are intended for use by facility staff.
6 All tools are customizable Facility and program staff are encouraged to customize the Family Guide for their setting. Some items in the Tool Kit are templates that can be modified. Facility staff should review tool kit materials for families carefully. Discuss materials with some family members of currently enrolled or recently graduated students. Partner with families to adapt materials to accurately reflect the policies and practices of their school, program, or facility.
7 Family Guide The Family Guide should be shared with parents and family members as soon as their child is enrolled in the program. It includes practical strategies families can use to: Build a relationship with their child’s correctional education program Keep their son or daughter on track for completing school and becoming a successful young adult
8 Family Guide The Family Guide includes information for families about: Getting off to a good start Ensuring that their child is making academic progress Preparing for their child’s return home Connecting with other families Taking action when things are not going well Advocating for better programming, family involvement, and support Staying connected to the correctional education program