Running a Ketso Workshop
Top hints for running a workshop Get off to a good start Introduce aims and how to use each piece of Ketso clearly Keep everyone engaged Make sure everyone has a pen and some leaves (do often) Think then share - at each stage give people time on their own to develop their ideas before sharing them Make sure people take turns to place their leaves Keep it simple Use one colour leaf at a time Start with the felt folded over, open after some ideas are developed and ask people to see where their ideas fit Have a blank branch so new themes can emerge!
Ketso Facilitation A few more ideas BELL – a useful acronym that we use to remind ourselves of key things during facilitation
Ketso Facilitation A few more ideas BELL – a useful acronym that we use to remind ourselves of key things during facilitation Balance (of individual and group time) Everyone engaged (with leaves, active) Listen (are things going quiet, are people confused) Look at the plan (are you on track, do you need to adjust?)
Ketso Facilitation A few more ideas BELL – a useful acronym that we use to remind ourselves of key things during facilitation Back pocket grey leaf You can always give someone a leaf of a different colour to make sure that you capture their ideas
BELL – a useful acronym that we use to remind ourselves of key things during facilitation Back pocket grey leaf You can always give someone a leaf of a different colour to make sure that you capture their ideas If someone is still dominating the discussion, it is a good idea to give them a pile of leaves and let them know that the only way their important ideas will be captured is if they write them down! Ketso Facilitation A few more ideas
Preparation and practicalities Top hints Plan for how many felt workspaces you need – dividing the expected number by 6 allows for extra people on the day. How many facilitators? It is great if you can have 1 floating facilitator for each group of 3 tables. Make sure that you will have enough space, and tables and chairs for people to be able to use Ketso at the venue! Check for disabled access. There are checklists on the Ketso website to help you with the practicalities at each stage. Look at the resources under ‘Make the Most of your Ketso’ from the home page.