who I am Alan Dix part-time Professor at Lancaster part-time entrepreneur at aQtive and vfridge
BIGUI - theory and principles lecture plan why – design and commercial context one-by-one – WIMPish Elements putting them together – screen layout and design the big picture – navigation and dialogue rainbow – colours in the eye and on the screen deep within – event-driven interfaces
why – design and commercial context what is a user interface? useful, usable and used prototyping know your user scenarios
what is a user interface?
not just screen design!
what is a user interface? not just screen design! the whole system from the user's viewpoint
useful, usable and used useful –functional, does things usable –easy to do things, does the right things used –pretty, available, acceptable to organisation
prototyping you never get it right first time if at first you don’t succeed … prototypeevaluatedesign re-design done! OK?
pitfalls of prototyping moving little by little … but to where Malverns or the Matterhorn? need a good start point need to understand what is wrong
know your user who are they? probably not like you! talk to them watch them use your imagination
scenarios what will they want to do with your system? step-by-step walkthroughs –what can they see (sketches, screen shots) –what do they do (keyboard, mouse etc.) –what are they thinking? use them throughout design (c.f. use cases)
and more... Human–Computer Interaction HCI loads of theory and methods you could write a book on it...
who it was Alan Dix