Debbie Lloyd Head of Relationship Team South East (Thames Gateway) National Careers Service - “Next Steps” Skills Funding Agency
Vision National Careers Service that is for the long term and at the heart of the system National Careers Service that sets the highest standards Visible, respected careers profession Development of a wider market in careers guidance National profile and visibility for the service
What is the National Careers Service Building on the best of Next Step and Connexions Underpinned by empirical up to date Labour Market Information A requirement to be accredited to matrix – visible national quality standard
What is the National Careers Service cont’d Working in partnership with key stakeholders Will be co-located with Jobcentres, FE colleges and community centres, providing a triage service for the community A focus on achieving positive outcomes for customers National marketing and awareness raising
What will be available National Careers Service launched April 2012 Online and helpline services for young people and adults integrated Redesigned website – making information about careers more accessible High quality advice and guidance to adults available in a range of community locations
In BIS funding of £84.4m available for the development, online, adults telephone and face to face service -DfE funding of £4.7m for the helpline service for young people. Funding the National Careers Service
Further Information The key features of the new careers service are described in the statement that can be found on the BIS website : hayes-national-careers-service-for-england hayes-national-careers-service-for-england The roles of schools and local authorities are set out on the Department for Education's website uidance/a /the-role-of-schools-and- local-authorities-in-careers-guidance uidance/a /the-role-of-schools-and- local-authorities-in-careers-guidance