O PEN A CCESS : AN INTRODUCTION Open Access & Data Curation Team
W HAT IS O PEN A CCESS ? International movement to open up access to research knowledge. Publicly-funded research should be openly and freely available to all. No restrictions on access or use. Increasingly required by funders and academic bodies.
THE BENEFITS OF OA Increased visibility of research & researchers. Impact: OA research found and cited more frequently. Research lifecycle can be accelerated: published, read, cited, built on. Facilitating collaboration & sharing. Tool for the University to raise awareness of research profile. Public good: sharing scholarship and intellectual wealth.
H OW DOES OA WORK ? Put a copy of your research paper in a repository (the Green route – free to the researcher). Pay a publisher a fee to make your paper OA ( the Gold route – c. £1,300 average). Publish in a free OA journal. Your choice Green and Gold are equally valid. SHERPA/RoMEOSHERPA/RoMEO: information on publisher OA policies. DOAJDOAJ: a directory of free OA journals.
RCUKRCUK from 1 April 2013 – all papers submitted for publication must be OA within 6 months (12 months for AHRC & ESRC). WellcomeWellcome/NIHR – published papers must be available on OA within 6 months and deposited in UKPMC.NIHR UoE policy from early 2013.policy Most other funders currently ‘encourage’ or ‘support’ OA - expect future mandates. F UNDER POSITION ON OA
W HAT TYPES OF RESEARCH ARE AFFECTED ? RCUK: peer-reviewed journal articles & published conference papers. Wellcome: peer-reviewed journal articles. Not Monographs, book chapters, etc. Data: many funders require deposit on OA where possible. Again, wise to expect future mandates. RCUK: You will need to state where and how data can be accessed.
H OW TO COMPLY WITH FUNDER POLICY : 1 Put a copy of your paper in the UoE or other repository (may need to be a post-print – NB always keep your own peer-reviewed copy).post-print Deposit via Symplectic – in return you get a permanent link to the full text. Wellcome-funded researchers must put a copy in UKPMC within six months. Publish in a free Open Access journal: DOAJDOAJ NB – repository deposit is not a means of publishing, it is a means of being OA compliant.
H OW TO COMPLY WITH FUNDER POLICY : 2 Many publishers operate a paid (Gold) OA scheme – your paper is made openly and freely available on payment of a fee. Check in advance that the journal in question has a paid OA option (use SHERPA/RoMEO).SHERPA/RoMEO If your chosen journal does not, you may be able to negotiate a one-off payment or a more lenient copyright agreement (this does sometimes work). Can you choose an alternative journal with a more moderate OA policy allowing Green OA?
H OW WILL THE COSTS OF G OLD OA BE MET ? UoE will receive a block grant from RCUK – precise amount as yet unknown. UoE has £131k from the Government via BIS (to be spent by April 2013). UoE has £65k from Wellcome now. UoE has a prepay BioMed Central subscription. Any other suggestions...? PloS? Royal Society? NB - You can no longer factor the costs of OA publishing into Wellcome funding bids and, from April 2013, RCUK funding bids.
C OMPLIANCE & WHERE TO GET HELP Funders do check institutional compliance but will always give you the chance to look into OA options before taking action. The choice of where to publish is an academic decision. We will help researchers to navigate publisher policy and support academic choice. We will help researchers to publish via the Gold route subject to funds. We will help researchers to deposit research in a repository via the Green route. We will come and talk to you, your group or department. Ask:
C ONTACTS & FURTHER INFORMATION Jill Evans, Open Access Manager: Gareth Cole, Data Curation Officer: Hannah Lloyd-Jones, Advocacy and Governance Officer Or any of the above on: Further information: Open Access web site FAQs: ccess/openaccessfaqs/ Download a copy of this presentation from: