HOW LONG DOES A HIRING MANAGER LOOK AT YOUR RESUME? An average of 7 seconds What does this tell you?
WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR RESUME? Education Experience Skills It is about “selling yourself” How will you be an asset to this company, organization, institution?
NAME ADDRESS , PHONE Objective : one sentence relates to the position Education : Name of School, city, statedates degree, graduate hours (Cum Laude) Experience : (above education once have experience) Job Title, Employer, City, Statedates Duties and responsibilities (last job first) Action verbs Skills : relevant to employer/job Certification, dates Activities : (omit later in life?) Name activity, dates Awards : (omit later in life?) Name of award, place awarded from, dates References : (optional) Full name, phone and/or
TIPS/SUGGESTIONS Simple is better : 1 page unless, 12 inch font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins No exclamation points, please!!! Be consistent & clear No errors …. Proofread, proofread, proofread Customize your resume Recent relevant to that job Show case accomplishments Sell yourself using ACTION verbs Do not lie
WHAT RECRUITERS THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW (FORBES MAGAZINE) Impress the robot What words? Do your homework Company and industry specific Quantify your accomplishments Numbers matter Be consistent online and offline Resume versus social media Check back every two weeks